Are you missing in piles of paper?

Did you see the Wal-Mart ad, where the two guys are looking through the trash and Christmas wrapping paper on the curb for the doll hair brush?

The feeling and looks on their faces were classic. Is your resume, your experience, what you can do for an employer lost in a sea of papers, or files on the World Wide Web? Are the odds of finding the doll hair brush better than finding you?

Are you ready to tap into your purpose, focus on your brand and have employers call you in 2010?

Would you like get out of your slump and move on to a new job?

Are you willing to do something different?

Here is your action step.

Write down what motivates you. What pulls you forward and ensures you achieve at the highest level? Read your resume. Circle your 3 top skills. Now write a brief statement of how you use these top 3 skills and how they connect to what motivates you?

What, your top three skills and what motivates you are not connected? Why not?

How can you stand out, be found and have employers call you if what you do and what motivates you are not connected?

If you need help to connect the dots, find your focus and move ahead in 2010 join us for the Q & A calls, get your questions answered and move your career and your search forward.

Happy New Year!

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