Are you wondering if a Networking Group is right for you? Or if spending your time networking will REALLY help you find a job?

Maybe you are thinking – I could spend the same time at home on the computer, telephone, or sending out resumes and get the same results or why would I want to go meet a bunch of other people many like me looking for work or peddling their wares.  Those thoughts may be your first problem.

There are hundreds of networking groups, professional or trade associations that meet weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly within the United States.  Most of these groups are designed to help you meet people, make connections, and contribute to others.

If you are new to networking you may question the benefits of connecting regularly with other open minded business people in the same room.  Getting hired and being successful in business is as much about “who knows you” as it is about “who and what you know”.

There is magic in the building relationships and obtaining referrals from “Your Network”.  Yes it does help your job search.  Network referrals are the most commonly reported way to find a job.

Employers report referrals make up 26.7% of all external new hires compared to 13.2% of hires attributed to Job Boards according to CareerXRoads 9th Annual Sources of Hire Study (February 2010).  The numbers speak for themselves.

Networking is one of the fastest, easiest ways to develop business relationships, get referrals and tap into the 70% to 80% of available jobs that are not advertised.  Networking works!

In just a few days I will have been involved in a coordinating a weekly networking group for professionals for five years.  The results, career success stories and lasting relationships are amazing.

Do you want to learn how to make networking work for your job search?

Check back to celebrate five years of “NfP” success I will share the best of the best tips to help you find a group, be prepare to network and make networking work for you.

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