What will 2013 bring for you? Will you achieve your goals?
Is a new or better job on your list of resolutions? If your goals include building, accelerating and sustaining your career or finding a new or better position in 2013, here are three steps to help you:
1. Assess your current situation.
- Where are you today?
- Where do you want to be at the end of 2013?
- What’s next for you and your career?
- What is the right fit for you now and 10 years from now?
- Why is changing your current situation important?
- Do you have career-marketing materials that promote you in a credible and distinctive way or do they need to be created?
2. Create an action plan.
- How will you get in front of the people who need to know about you?
- What is the quickest path to get from where you are to where you want to be?
- How do you manage future positions so you don’t end up in this situation again?
3. Set up an execution strategy.
- What are going to do every single day to execute your plan?
- How will you measure and evaluate your results?
Have a wonderful 2013. If I can help you, let’s connect.
Seeking my future.
Fully engaged in my newest venture.
Challenging and rewarding career opportunities.
An opportunity for my skills to shine for my employers.
S that I may be my most productive.
My career marketing materials are constantly evolving.
By improving my networking and marketing plans.
By infiltrating my network’s three degrees of separation.
By proactively anticipating what improvements and maneuvers need to be executed and when.
Develop, expand, and utilize my networks and the workshop materials that I have acquired.
By responses, quality and frequency of interest and activity.