Cindy Key_listening to improve your job searchListening is a mix of art and science.  The investment is low, yet few job searchers really listen to the companies they are targeting.  Are you listening? You know doing research on potential employers is important.  You know how and where to research companies. Do you think research trumps listening? Too often I hear, “I have done the research and know the company, so why listen?”  OK, I get it.  You know your target market. You have narrowed your list of companies.  You are focused on those who have problems you can solve.  But, do you know if these companies want to solve the problems you’re best at solving?  That is one good reason to listen. What if by listening, you discover that all the companies you are targeting don’t want or need to solve the problems you solve.  What will you do?  Will that change your next action? The real value and impact of listening is saving time.  Listening helps you shift your actions and improve your results. Can you think of other reasons to listen? Here are a few:

  • You may discover other problems or wants you can help solve
  • You’ll hear about new products or services that are about to launch where you’re experience would be valuable
  • You’ll learn about changes in the marketplace or competition that enhances your value

Where do you “listen” to your target companies?   One of my favorite places is industry blogs.  Another helpful place to listen is LinkedIn.  Did you know there are 3 Million LinkedIn Company Pages and Counting? What is your top reason to listen to the companies that you follow?   Where is your favorite place to listen? Please post your answers below and share your great listening tips with others.


5 comments until now

  1. Absolutely right, Cindy – whether you are looking for a job, marketing a business, or talking to people you love, listening is so essential and so under-appreciated. I don’t think we’re taught to listen very well (and I admit it isn’t always easy for me, either!) Great tips!

  2. Really important point here Cindy, thanks. This information isn’t only good while “looking for a job” but it is a reminder of putting all your own thoughts and feelings aside and truly tuning in to what that person really needs. Just this am I had a conversation with someone who I know I can help… But what they need is more than what I can solely provide. Therefore I will gladly share other resources so that that person can fill their need as much as possible.

  3. In the age of electronic communications and social media, people are forgetting the art of listening. I find that your application to the job search process is innovative. Most searchers would never think of using this skill.
    And, as Kelly points out, it isn’t only applicable to job searches.

  4. Ah LinkedIn! Great tip, thanks Cindy!

  5. So many people listen with the intention of answering vs. listening with the intent to understand. No doubt, when looking for a job it’s even more critical! Excellent ideas.

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