Spring GardenWelcome to the final installment of the “adventure of my garden.”

At this point, hopelessness and overwhelm had taken over.  Honestly, I was shocked that these feelings had shown up, not in my career or business, but in my desire for a spring garden.  Maybe I should forget about the garden?  Was it really that important?  I could just pour rocks in the beds and settle for a rock garden.

I shared how stuck I was feeling (and the garden story) with a mentor.  She responded, “You are in a new place and have grown, yet you still have growing to do.  Sort out what is holding you back and you will have the garden you desire.  Ignore it and it will begin to impact other areas of your life.”

Boy!  That rocked me back on my heels — for about five minutes.  I thanked my mentor for listening, pondered her statement for a few moments and quickly returned to my “stuck place.”  After three and a half years I was in the same place — frustrated with no garden!

Oh, I was working hard!  I bought soil, plants, books and attended classes on gardening in New England.  I fussed about the trash and cement left behind by the builder.  You got it — I did it all.  I worked hard, watered, planted and kept asking myself, “Why can’t I grow a beautiful garden in New England?”

Bottom line?  My garden and I were in the same place.

A couple of weeks later, I sought the assistance of my business coach.  Could she help me with my garden?  The smile in her voice was clear and she began asking the powerful questions she always asks.  In a few short conversations I discovered what I needed to do differently and formulated a new approach.  Within a day or two I was on my way to creating the garden of my dreams!  By mid-summer my garden was lovely and so much less stressful than my 3.5 years of struggle.

Does your job search sound like my adventure with my garden?

Are you working hard, seemingly doing all the right things and still without the job of your dreams?

Are you feeling overwhelmed and looking for some help in finding a new approach?

I, too, was lost and stuck — and I realized I needed a new approach.  My answer came from working with my coach.  In a few conversations she helped me craft a new plan to get the garden I wanted.  Alone, I had been working in the garden for nearly four years without success.

Would having a coach help your search?

Are you ready to land a position fast, earn the salary you deserve and do it with less stress?



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