“Wherever there is danger, there lurks opportunity; whenever there is opportunity, there lurks danger. The two are inseparable. They go together.”~ Earl Nightingale

Have you ever had one of those phone calls that when you heard the voice on the other end of the line speak and you felt danger or distress? I had one of those calls this week, the call began, “Hi, I need some help…”

At first, my thoughts raced as I listened, after a few seconds I knew there was no physical danger and no one was injured. The distress in the voice on the call was intense.

After the call, I was reflecting on the situation and the Earl Nightingale quote above popped to my thoughts. It is a reminder that the line between danger and opportunity can be very thin.

I know that awareness, experience, knowledge and preparation build confidence and create the best responses in all situations. In business and in our careers, we so often turn those “thin” points in time into unique situations with better than envisioned outcomes and profitable opportunities because of our preparation and awareness.

In life, business, and my career, I know that experience is often the thing I get just after I needed it most. I also know thousands of people who agree with me, that preparation and awareness are the keys that allow each of us to apply our knowledge and similar experience to create focus and successful outcomes that others view as luck!

In case you are wondering the call that began, “Hi, I need some help…” was from someone who had been working to create focus and successful outcomes. The caller was so prepared he built into his search what he called a “lifeline” call. That call helped him deal with an unexpected question about relocation and turn it into a second interview and continue conversation in a few minutes.

What preparation are you building into your job search?

Are you using a portion of your time each week to create focus, tap into your experience and knowledge?

Are you prepared to create the most successful outcomes in your job search and career?

What opportunity lurks if you are prepared?

Are you creating your own luck or are just hoping for the best?

Are you too busy doing things to make time to prepare?

To Your Accelerated Search and Continued Success,

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