cindy 513

Are you at a four-way stop or a fork-in-the-road with your career?  Here are some of the signs that indicate you may have reached a career crossroad:

  • You are bored,
  • You are no longer a top performer, and
  • You stopped learning and growing.

If you are over 40 and like most people, you think about your career and its future, at least once and a while.  You may be asking yourself, “What do I want to do for the next 25 or 30 years?”  Maybe you long for additional success or more satisfaction from your work.  Maybe you are looking to increase your income to help achieve other life goals.

If you actively managed the first 20 years of your career you no doubt have envisioned your next promotion or career move.  You already have a map or GPS system to guide your next turn.  Your four-way stop/crossroad will feel like a peaceful drive in the country on a Sunday afternoon.  Congratulations!  You will glide forward smoothly and create 20 more years of career success!

What was that?  You say you took a different approach?    Maybe you elected to abdicate managing your career to chance, your boss or the organization you work for — you are not alone.  Maybe you are someone who actually “quit” your job yet continue to show up and collect a paycheck.  Yes, there are quite a few who take this approach at the crossroad.

If you opted for this approach, I hope you are among the lucky few whose boss has been too busy to notice or hire your replacement.  Either way, you can bet your days of producing just enough to meet minimum expectations while hoping no one notices are numbered.

Whatever your choice, don’t worry, you can still quickly create a map to help you move forward from this crossroad.

Here are the steps to help you quickly move forward:

1.  Assess where you are and ask yourself, “Where do I want to be in one year? In three years?

2.  Decide how much time you will invest each week in managing your career.

3.  Create a one-year plan with weekly action items.

4.  Execute your plan.

Before you know it you will have map or GPS system to guide you through your mid-career crossroad.  The second half of your career and next 25 – 30 years is often the most fun, as well as the most profitable and satisfying.

Enjoy creating a sustainable, fun and profitable career.  It is an amazing experience!

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13 comments until now

  1. Love it, Cindy! I remember just a few years ago feeling so stuck in my career, very unhappy and did not know where to turn. Making a decision on something so important seemed terrifying! If only I had access to this article at that time, getting out and moving forward would have been so much easier!

  2. Thanks Cindy. This is very helpful for people at the crossroads.

  3. Creating that 1 year plan and thinking on where I want to be in 3 years is great.

  4. Cindy Key @ 2014-05-15 14:44

    Kathy, thanks for sharing how you felt a few years ago, so glad for you things are racing ahead for you now.

  5. Cindy Key @ 2014-05-15 14:45

    You are very welcome – Lilia!

  6. Cindy Key @ 2014-05-15 14:46

    Lorraine, glad to be of help.

  7. Cindy,

    Great post, creating a plan and taking baby steps keeps it from being overwhelmed.


  8. Cindy Key @ 2014-05-15 16:08

    Yes, it does. Thanks, Jane. Have an amazing day!

  9. Thanks Cindy! I love having a plan and a periodic check in with various different aspects of my life. I feel like my career is great at the moment, doing fertility coach and fertility acupuncture is very fulfilling for me – but check ins are always helpful to make sure that feelings have not changed, and I know that you are helping others to find their ideal and fulfilling careers!

  10. Cindy Key @ 2014-05-15 21:35

    Dorothy – You are such a delight and I am glad your career is fulfiling. I love to hear that people are in ideal careers. You are very wise to have a plan and a periodic check in to ensure you continue to grow your ideal and fulfilling career. 🙂

  11. 1. Assess where you are and ask yourself, “Where do I want to be in one year? In three years?

    Love This!!!! I think, especially when someone has entered the 40+ club, it’s so important for evaluation. You don’t want to wake up in the 70+ club wondering why you didn’t do this or that or that or this.

    GREAT pointers!

  12. There are so many people that I see who get to this stage of their lives and find it time to re-boot! This is a wonderful post that helps people stay focused and keep a plan in mind rather than being victimized by their careers. Thank you Cindy for your inspiration!

  13. This is a great article Cindy. It is a very self-nurturing act to assess what you want to do with your life no matter what age you are. You questions are very clarifying and so empowering for anyone needing to make a change. Thank you!

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