4qThe fourth quarter is upon us.  And, in just 92 days the new year begins.  Are you ready for a successful final quarter of the year?

Below are four essential (albeit, a little unglamorous) tasks to help you improve your personal marketing for fourth quarter and create a solid foundation for a sustainable career in 2015:

1. Be present in the marketplace.  Get out from behind your computer and demonstrate your unique and compelling value in the marketplace.  Connect with others and offer your expertise to a person or organization who needs it.

2. Know your prospects.  Are you effectively marketing to those people who need what you offer?  Who is in your funnel?  Target 10-15 companies who could use your skills and talents.

3. Add to your value.   How will you become more valuable in 2015?  What skills could you add to your offerings?  Seek out opportunities to learn new tech skills or productivity tools.

4. Up-level your image.  Nothing stays the same.  Sustaining success means evolving over time. Review your professionalism and self-management skills and pick an item to up-level this quarter.  Perhaps you could update your business cards or resume?

Consistent focus in these four areas is key and easy to achieve by simply adding them to your calendar.  A year from now you will be glad you invested the time today.

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13 comments until now

  1. Thanks for the tips… of the four, I think #4, up-level your image is the one I have to work on the most. It’s time to take things to the next level! Blessings always!

  2. Donna Marie,
    With you on #4 – I find fall is inspiring me to think of this as the trees turn colors and their image changes, I have been giving this much thought. Enjoy your move to the next level. I will be watching to see the blessings your new level brings you.

  3. Cindy, I appreciate that you acknowledged up front that these are not “glamorous” tasks. I think too often we get caught up in the latest/greatest/trendiest marketing and forget the basics. Thanks for the reminder that they’re called BASE-ic for a darn good reason!

  4. Cindy thank you for the reminder to be strategic and look to 2015. I love the idea about bringing more value to 2015 and assessing where you could add to your offerings. Thank you so much!

  5. Great reminder! I’ve heard that many players are best in their last quarter, when they play their hardest and score the most points of the game. I’m looking at how to improve my game in this last quarter, too!

  6. Cindy Key @ 2014-10-07 22:09

    Kathleen – the basics count and the world is not all ‘glamorous’ unless you do the basics!

  7. Cindy Key @ 2014-10-07 22:11

    You are very welcome for the reminder – be strategic now and your 2015 will be very profitable.

  8. Perfect timing! I was just looking at some planning for 2015 today. The “add to my value” recommendation spoke to me as I will be building a new, larger program next year. It’s always important to keep learning and adding new skills and tools. Thanks!

  9. what are some strategies we should focus on for being MORE present in the marketplace? – Curious!

  10. Yes, Perfect timing! I’m stepping it up in the 4th qtr and getting out from behind my computer! Thanks for the reminder!

  11. Yes, it is almost the end of another year. All your tips are great reminders of what I need to do for continued success this year and next as well.

  12. Lilia Lee, glad the tips will help you NOW and in the future. Have an amazing final quarter of the year.

  13. Cena – great question – “what are some strategies we should focus on for being MORE present in the marketplace?”
    The first strategy I suggest is listening. Most people are very busy with strategies of showing up in person and pushing and telling.

    Here are 3 tactics to support that strategy:
    1) Show up and listen.
    2) Show up, listen & take notes.
    3) Show up, listen & ask about a concern you noted another expressed (from your notes)

    You will be amazed at the impact of this simple strategy and the tactics to support it have in the marketplace.

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