“You are never a loser until you quit trying.” ~ Mike Ditka
AUTOPILOT, cruise control, and automated systems are great tools. I highly recommend them. My long drives and life would not be the same without these tools. I use great tools to enhance my life and my work. I encourage you to find and use as many tools as you can to automate and streamline your job search, your networking and all the things you do.
There is one caution I would share. Mike Ditka got it right; I don’t believe you fail at anything unless you stop trying. Don’t lock on the cruise control and assume you can stop trying. You are still in charge of the wheel of the car! Using tools to automate tasks does not let you off the hook for the important work that needs to be done.
One of the best ways to save time to work on important things is to put systems in place to take care of time consuming task that need to be done. So do it. Would you be shocked to learn that you can automate most of the passive activities in a job search? Of course not, you have done it. My question to you is by doing so, did you quit trying or quit working on the high value items with the time and effort you saved by setting up “search agents” and posting your résumé to 150+ sites?
Do you spend all or most of your time looking at job postings that are dropped in your inbox? If so, you are more of a “buyer” of the products (jobs) offered, than a seeker of “opportunities”.
Are you trying to find opportunities with your automated systems? Or have you stopped trying, and just hope the “prefect” job will show up in your inbox one of these days?
You can counteract the rollercoaster of the market. You are set up systems and create a pipeline of opportunities in a good or a bad job market.
Here is what you do. Set up systems and a schedule with very specific activities. Create a specific market plan and market yourself consistently. Assess where you are, define the job you want, determine your goals, set up the tasks to be done, your marketing plan, your schedule and do. Automate, delegate and execute the really important things each day.
This ensures you know what you are doing each day, week, month, quarter and year to market yourself and that you are working on the important things. Yes, even after you land the job you want you still need to market yourself.
Have you quit marketing yourself?
Are you waiting for the “right” job to show up on your computer screen or inbox?
Are you taking action and getting results?
Are the results you are getting great or just okay?
Do you need some help to tweak your systems or results?
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