What is it that you need? Life has a way of providing what is needed. At least in my life and the lives of the people I know and the people I help.

Have you discovered like I have, that you NEED to know what you want before it will show up?

One of my favorite books, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill helped me understand that as long as I know exactly what I want and take daily action toward what I want I get it. In the book, Napoleon Hill calls this “Definiteness of Purpose”.

It really did take me a long time to figure out that getting what I wanted was not as hard as I had made it for years. Why was it so HARD? First I was not clear about what I wanted, then I thought I had to know anything like what I needed, when I would need it and how to get each of those things I would need before I could start to move forward to get what I wanted.

For years I made getting what I wanted and needed hard. It is just not that tough. The process of being successful and getting what you want a like a job, a new career, a promotion or whatever starts with knowing exactly what you want, being open to discovering what you need and taking specific action to get what you want.

Have you decided what you want? When you decide what you want and go for it, you are on your way. In Napoleon Hill’s book he tells a story about a young child who knew just what she wanted, the action she took to get it and how in her determination ensured her success.

Another lovely woman I know is starting the job she wanted this week, after a focused very determined search. Joy (not her real name but a name that fits her well) identified the job she wanted and she pursued it.

Just like the child in Hill’s book who wanted fifty cents, (a large sum of money in the early 1900’s) from Mr. Darby’s uncle and was determine not to go home without fifty cents. When the reply to the child’s request for money was no, the child did not quit. Instead the child’s resolve did not waiver and she demonstrated the power of persistence to achieve her goal. Joy was showed the same resolve. She determined that just because she did not get what she wanted with her initial application, testing for the job and efforts to get an interview were not successful – the game was not over. Joy’s resolve was to take additional action and find what she needed.

Yes, it took almost eight months to get what she wanted. Joy was successful because she knew exactly what she wanted, she asked for what she needed and got it, and she worked each day to get what she wanted.

When I talked to Joy last week, she is very happy to be starting her new job this week and moving forward to achieve new goals and enjoy future success. Joy is just one more example of getting what you need when you need it. For Joy and you knowing what you want, being determined to get what you want and asking for what you need ensures the need will show up when you need it and equals success.

Several months ago when Joy needed a resource to help her get what she wanted, the resource showed up. The answer to her need show up not necessarily the way she thought it would, but it was what she needed. Why? Joy took a risk asked for want she needed and stepped into the unknown. She lost or overcame her fear and had faith and courage to ask for what she needed and believe that is would show up. It did!

Would you like to know how to make the process for you?

Decide what you want, then decide that no matter what you’re going to achieve what you want, that is what Hill calls “Definiteness of Purpose”. Next face your concerns and fears head on and watch them begin to dissolve. Now work and move forward toward your goal. All the things that you NEED to reach your goal will show up in your life to help you get what you want!

What do you need? It is no coincidence that you are reading this message right now. This message is the message you need to take you where you want to go.

To your accelerated search and success!

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