Last April, Pete Johnson, posted a question on Linked IN and in his blog, “You want in? Career advice in 6 words”, asking others to share career advice in EXACTLY 6 words.  Many shared advice in just six words.

Today is April 6, and I thought it would be a great idea to ask you the same question Pete Johnson asked about a year ago.  Why?  First, it is a great question, worth asking again, and second, I wonder if the advice is different a year later.

Yes, a year can make a difference.  The job numbers look better.  Spring seems to have arrived a little early, at least in the New England.  Oh, yes and opening day for the Boston Red Sox was “Opening Night”.  Some things change, some do not.  Has your career advice changed?  What advice did you take to heart?

My career advice in EXACTLY 6 words is the same and has been for years.

Do what you enjoy, money follows.

What career advice can you offer in exactly 6 words?

Is your advice different than it was a year ago?


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