Today I am sharing a in my post a great piece from Valerie Sokolosky.  Valerie shared this last week in her newsletter, Valerie’s Voice and I asked her if I could share it with a group I belong to and she graciously agreed.  It was so well received I wanted to share it with you too. 

It is a great message for November or anytime about the choice of staying positive.  Enjoy!  Thanks Valerie Sokolosky for allowing me to share this message.

Staying Positive is a Choice

By Valerie Sokolosky

Negative messages are everywhere. According to research, 77% of the messages we get every day are negative. No wonder! Just turn on the TV, read the newspaper, get on the web—and you’ll see it. There are even sites now that are for the sole purpose of putting in negative remarks. Yuk.

 So how can we stay “up” when things seem so “down?”

 First, recognize what we can’t afford to do…sticking our head in the sand and not looking at the news is not an option. As professionals, we simply must stay attune to the world’s happenings. So here’s one thing I’ve started doing…and it works!

 Every morning before I get out of bed, I think of five things I’m grateful for—usually one is simply getting up in the morning.

 Seriously, that sets the tone for my thinking more positive through the day. Then when something negative comes along, I can much more readily say “Oh well,” or at least I can keep from letting it get me into a negative mind set. 

 This seems appropriate for this time of year with Thanksgiving right around the corner. Try it…you’ll like it…along with the turkey!


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