Strategic tips for managing your career  – if you are – or seek to be – a paddler …

1. Don’t turn your career over to anyone else to run.

Your career may be your most significant asset.  Be cautious about allowing others to control and manage your assets. You can manage your own career and you can find others to help you.  We have all experienced coaching at some point. The coaching process can help you discover any number of blind spots you may have.

Who is managing your career?  You may be managing your career or you may be allowing others to manage your career to their advantage.  Bosses or human resources departments usually work in the company’s best interest. Sharing appropriate information with them about you may help advance your career and help you get where you want to go.  For these coaches to help you do need to know where you are going, your purpose and how you can help them with their goals along the way.

Having your own coach, someone who works for you can help you if you are still in the process of discovering your purpose, your vision, your goals, and how to communicate those to others.  You can also discover these things on your own over time or find others to help you with the process, just be sure those who help you put your interest before theirs.

I often refer to those who live their purpose and manage their careers as paddlers.  PADDLERS take charge of their direction, path, and speed. Paddlers are going somewhere – with a purpose.

Paddlers have a distinct mindset and make life happen.  They take time to understand what they want, why that is important to them.  Paddlers know a fulfilling life is not stagnate.  Paddlers know that they do control how they react and handle the life they have been given.

Paddlers have a purpose. They don’t look to others to define why they do something, their value, direction or career.  They assess where they are, what they want and then they form an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, skills, of the currents, conditions, and environment.

Action Tip:

Write down what you want from your career, your next position, and in your life.  Ask yourself the tough questions below and jot down your answers.

What is my purpose?

Why do I work?

Why do I do what I do as a career?

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