Wanted – New Job!

new job“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”  ~ Seneca

You have declared your desire for a new job — at least to yourself.

You have ‘itchy feet’ and are ready to walk out the door.
You want more recognition, satisfaction and compensation.
You are flat unhappy at work — be it with your boss or the work — you name it and you’re not pleased about it.

What’s holding you back from searching for a new position?

Is it time?  Fear?  Or a concern about your next salary level?

Maybe you are unsure of what to do first.  You know the marketplace has changed since you last search for a job.

Good news is that a little focus, clarity and planning will help you accelerate your search.  Here are 6 questions to help you do just that:

  1. Why do you work?
  2. Why do you really want a new job?
  3. What value are you known for in the workplace?
  4. What type of organization do you desire to work for?
  5. Who do you know in the organizations where you desire to work?
  6. How will you connect with the people you know?

Taking the time to answer these questions before you start to update your resume will help you in your quest for a new job.  It is easier than you think to accelerate your search and reduce job search stress.

Of course, if you need more clarity, you can dig a little deeper.  Ask additional questions to help bring sharp focus and clarity to your next career move.  What questions would you add to the list above?

If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends using the links below!  Post a note, share your question and thoughts in the comments.  If you want help accelerating your search and landing the job you want contact me HERE.

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4 comments until now

  1. These are great questions when thinking of moving on from a current job, but I actually think these would be amazing questions for someone just entering into the work force, leaving university or even considering what field to enter for their career.
    After all, if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will do right?

  2. Great question in that middle section!

  3. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” ~ Seneca

    Great quote ~ so many people look at other endings with emotions such as regret and loss. This quote and your article allow for joy and compassion!!!!

  4. Thanks Cindy! I think this is a great, basic article on where to start.

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