The Black Hole …

black holeThe Black Hole . . . is it real?

Would you like to have a different experience?

What exactly is the “Black Hole?”  For many seeking a new position, it is described as the experience of responding to job posting in one manner or another and then . . . receiving no reply or acknowledgment.

Has this happened to you?

If so, you may be asking why.  Or you may be, like many, simply ranting about it to all who will listen.

If you want a different experience, here are few questions to ask yourself, followed by a little food for thought:

  • What was your expectation?  Why did you have that expectation?
  • What is your relationship with the company and/or person you contacted?
  • Was your initial connection relevant and compelling?
  • Did the receiving party agree to send you a response?

To lessen the chances you will experience the “Black Hole,” here are two possible options:

First, what are the realistic expectations of this person or organization?  Take some time to gather the answers to the following questions:

  • Who is the person or organization?
  • What is the culture or what are the habits of person handling your correspondence?
  • What connection have you made in advance of your reply to a posting/lead?

Second, use the information and understanding you gathered to evaluate your expectations.  Are your expectations aligned with what will likely be delivered?  What facts, thoughts or beliefs do you have that will help you determine if your expectation is realistic in this situation?

Third, note the feelings, emotions and thoughts that created your expectation.  Do these align with the data you gathered in the first or second step above?  Or, are you simply projecting the way you do things onto another?  Example:  do you reply to every email, voicemail or piece of mail you receive and therefore believe all others should manage their business the same way?

What is your experience with the “Black Hole?”  Will you have a different experience in the future?

Please share your thoughts and comments on ways to avoid the “Black Hole” below.


6 comments until now

  1. Great insights I shared with my daughter who is having an interview this week!!

  2. Cindy Key @ 2014-11-28 12:33

    Kelly – delighted you can share these insights with your daughter. Let me know how her interview goes – wishing her great success.

  3. Interesting topic. Yes I experience Black Hole when I issue my newsletter. Sometimes I share some things that are vulnerable and I expect some encouragement or cheers in reply. Your last point is true, I do not respond to all newsletters I get. So I will change my attitude and will not expect anything. I know my newsletter is read because I get clients talking about something I wrote.
    Thank you for your article.

  4. Cindy, this is wonderful advise. I know that I’ve gotten my share of black-hole incidents and not just when I was looking for a job. I particularly love the tips around managing expectations….”note the feelings, emotions and thoughts that created your expectation” can cause havoc with a job search.

  5. Cindy Key @ 2014-11-29 11:31

    Lilia – it is interesting how we create expectations. Glad to help with a tip you can use.

  6. Cindy Key @ 2014-11-29 11:34

    Irina, glad you found this interesting and helpful.

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