
Recently, a wise 8-year-old set me straight about reindeer hooves.  She shared, “I hope you know this talk of reindeer on rooftops is REALLY a myth.  The purpose of telling kids about reindeer hooves on the roof is to hide the fact that parents dragging stuff around are noisy.  Only kids who don’t pay attention to the world believe that myth.”

WOW!  What insight!  When you understand, at 8-years-old, the need to pay attention, nothing will stop you — as long as you maintain that awareness.

As a coach, I thought, what fun she will be to coach at 18, 28, or 48!  My wish for her this season is that she always maintains that level of awareness.

Of course, the clatter of reindeer hooves have little to do with personal branding and building a sustainable career –but — the wisdom of this eight year old certainly does.  Awareness is a key to leveraging many of life’s situations.

Building and sustaining a great career does not just happen.  It requires knowledge, the awareness and willingness to apply that knowledge, and knowing what you want.  Couple this with making key decisions and taking actions and you are on your way to a rewarding career.

Yes, the world and labor market are ever-changing and providing different opportunities.  And, while I do not have a crystal ball to see what the new year holds, I do know that it is easier to build your personal brand and create opportunities, than it is to convince a smart 8-year-old that reindeer can fly and land on rooftops!

Are you ready for your career to shine?

Yes?  Then, let’s talk.

If you want to take a serious look at whether or not your personal brand is attracting positive attention and helping you connect with people and opportunities, then my holiday season gift awaits you — just give me a call.

Sharing your unique gifts with the world requires willingness and awareness.  If you supply the willingness and awareness, I will help you build the career you want in the new year.  I will help you with the “how’s.”

Yes, you can leverage your personal brand with less stress, without just adding another thing to your “To Do” list!  Those who cut through the clatter, find the value is crystal clear.

Effectively sharing who you are, what you do, and what makes you unique makes employers take notice, hire, and promote you.  Call me by December 21st and I  will give you a coaching session to review your brand and give you 3 action steps to take before January 1st.  What a wonderful way to enjoy the season and launch the new year!

Have an amazing holiday season!


9 comments until now

  1. Awareness, yes. But, is she missing on the magic that is believing that the world can be better because of what Christmas represents?

  2. Lilia – you are so right! We should never miss the magic nor fail to slow down and enjoy! Be still, calm and pause to see how to make magic and the world a better place!!!

  3. Aw, a cute way to bridge the topic of awareness. It’s funny how children like to inform adults of their ‘discoveries’ isn’t it?
    And I fully agree with you. Awareness of the possibilities of opportunity shift how we approach life and what we can give and receive from it.

  4. Love that she says it’s because we’re trying to hide the noise! Ha!

    t really is amazing the difference that awareness brings, in your business, your branding, and in, well, everything! I notice that I enjoy life, the Universe, and everything WAY more when I’m staying in the moment and being aware, though I am definitely easily distracted. Love that you use it as part of your coaching! Thanks, Cindy!

  5. That child is quite bright! She just taught me a lesson. I’m grateful to her!

  6. Emily, delighted you are staying in the moment and enjoying life! Wishing you the best in the new year.

  7. cindy, great message about showing up with our authentic self to create our best career, and i’ll add: life and relationship… thanks!

  8. Yes, Cindy, “Awareness is a key to leveraging many of life’s situations.” How wonderful that people have you to navigate the rest of the path when they realize they want more out of their business life, and life, in general.

    You are so right that our personal brand must include being in touch with the awareness of what makes us unique so that we can weave that into all that we do and all that we create in our business.

  9. Deb, it is my joy and delight to help people gain more from life, business and whatever they are seeking. We are endowed with uniqueness to share and grace the world and some elect to do that solo and other seek support and partners to help. Keep weaving and creating and have an amazing day!

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