
Do you hate to network?

Almost weekly someone tells me they HATE to network.  I get it.

Once upon a time, networking was not my favorite thing to do either.  When I reframed networking to simply “meeting new people,” my point of view about networking changed.

Do you need to reframe how you see networking?  Here are 5 tips to help:

  1. Be open.   No matter what you think or feel about networking, be open.  The next time you go to an event or are in a position to connect with other people begin with being open to the possibilities.  Odds are you will be delighted by pleasant surprises.
  1. Simplify your approach.  Plan to greet all you meet with a smile and a hello.  Then just listen.  Listen and listen some more.  Engage in conversation as appropriate.
  1. Give.  Limit your agenda to giving.  If you are attending an event for the first time, go with a smile for all.  Give of yourself and your time to all you meet.  Not sure what to give?  Start with a smile, eye contact and a listening ear and heart.  Let what you hear be your guide.
  1. Introduce yourself to the host.  Be sure you identify the host of the event.  Say hello and introduce yourself.  Before leaving thank the host and say goodbye.
  1. Return and stay in touch.  Networking is about building relationships — return to the next event and stay in touch.  Relationships are not build with a single meeting or a single conversation.  Decide when you will return and how you will stay in touch with the people you meet.

What is you favorite networking tip or experience?  Please share and post below.

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8 comments until now

  1. Good advice about networking. I am one of the horde that hates networking. But your reframe will help me to have a better time doing it.

  2. Even if you’re not looking for a job these networking hints and reframe are great suggestions. Yes, it’s always about the relationship.

  3. Lilia Lee – glad the reframe will help you, wishing you joy and success networking!

  4. Jane – you are so right – IT IS ALWAYS ABOUT THE RELATIONSHIP!

  5. Good advice, especially for those of us who aren’t comfortable networking. thanks

  6. Louise, glad this helps. One thought on comfort – I think of this way the more you do something the more comfortable it becomes. Like my old shoes, the more I wear them the better the leather forms to my feet and how I walk. Then one day just seeing those shoes makes my feet happy – networking by doing it and find your comfort zone can be very comfortable. Wishing you that very soon!

  7. The open minded approach is definitely the number one ingredient. I have gone to small events and thought yikes I won’t meet anyone only to walk out with an amazing conversation and contact!
    Thanks for these reminders, Cindy.

  8. Catherine, ‘the open minded approach’ as you noted is key. Amazing conversations and contacts are usually right in front of us when we are open. Appreciate your comments.

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