be yourself

You have an interview coming up!  Great!  Congrats!  I am sure your goal is to hear, “You’re hired.”

There are thousand of articles, blog posts, books and workshops to help you prepare for an interview and become a more skilled interviewee.  Over the years, I have coached many interviewers and interviewees and shared many tips through this blog and others.

Today, I am sharing a secret that I have long reserved for my one-to-one conversations.  Why share it now?  The rise I have seen in the use of this element is reaching a critical point.  This one element, if not dropped from your process, spells certain interview failure.

Over the years, I have discovered that many add this element unknowingly.  Then, after repeatedly failing in interviews, and feeling desperate, they must unlearn it or the failing — in interview after interview — continues.  Not succeeding in interviews results in decreased confidence, the loss of hundreds of dollars a day in salary or being unemployed longer than necessary.

What is this element?  Emulation.  Yes, the quest of emulating the “perfect person” for the job.

Are you doing this?  My advice?  STOP IT, STOP IT NOW.

Replace it with a process that works.  And, what works?  Authenticity.

If you want to guarantee that your interview process will succeed, be authentic, share your unique value and your brilliance.  Show the imperfect and flawed you.

Human beings are imperfect and flawed — all of us!  Isn’t it time you paused and looked at what you uniquely offer?

Hiring is about risk mitigation.  Emulation is spotted a mile away.

Hiring managers will pass on emulation faster than a candidate clearly lacking a skill or one possessing a flaw.  Skills can be taught and learned.  Some imperfections or shortcomings known upfront may be determined to be worth the risk.

The risk of emulation is not just to the hiring manager and organization; you are at risk, too.

Hiding your qualities and who you are may well result in being hired, only to be fired, terminated at the end of the probation period.  Or worse, landing a job you dislike and suffer in daily.

Are you ready for an interview process that works?  Be authentic, be you and share your unique value.

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5 comments until now

  1. great example of what actually happens. It’s great to know that authenticity is the new ‘black’! I’m glad to see you posting valuable information for job interviews since there has been so much advice (much of it bad), and so many BAD practices that have led to terrible hires or job dissatisfaction!

  2. Many experts do say to “borrow” qualities from successful people. However, what the borrower often is not told is to borrow and adapt for their own uniqueness. Thanks for pointing this out so clearly.

  3. Cena, yes authenticity is the new ‘black’ for life, fulfillment and satisfaction and all one does. Delighted you appreciate valuable information and yes sadly there is some BAD info and practices being shared.

  4. Lilia, you are welcome – see, like, borrow, learn to adapt to your uniqueness is a cool plan and works well. I believe in – ‘be authentic, be you and share your unique value’

  5. Thanks Cindy, I think it’s really valuable that you give people persmission to be themselves. There is a lot of pressure to be “perfect” but how can both parties assess the fit when there is no authenticity?

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