Do what you love.  Lead with vision and passion; use your strengths and offer unique value, the market will notice and reward you.” ~ Cindy Key

love jobTomorrow is April 1st – April Fool’s day!  And, at least in the Western world, a day of light-hearted fun and for me a sure sign Spring is near.  The days are growing longer and that means more time to be outside.

I will enjoy the day, the FUN it brings and even being called a “fool” if I fall for some of the day’s pranks.  I have been called a fool more than once, including for the quote above and my career advice of “Do what you love and money follows.”  If I am a fool for helping others find work they enjoy and serving the world with my gifts, then the title of “fool” is fine with me.

The lightness of April 1st reminds us life is a trade-off.  You don’t get what you deserve.  In life and in business, you get what you engage in, work for and ask for.

You get paid for doing what you love because you are willing to do what it takes to succeed — whether you love every aspect of your job or not.

When you do what you love and you enjoy your job, you are likely to use your talents to be the best you can be.  You don’t mind the trade-offs and will adjust to such items as part of the deal.  For example, if you don’t love living in the big city where the wages are higher, you may decide that living in a small town and driving further to work is worth it.  The commute is your trade-off.

Trade-offs in work and life come in many forms.

For years, I was willing to work the graveyard shift to gain different experience, earn more money, do work I enjoyed, and have my days free.  Working the night shift was my trade-off to achieve my goals.

May you be so blessed by doing what you love that all the trade-offs will feel very inconsequential.

In case you feel fooled, it works this way too:  “Love the work you’re doing and opportunities will follow.”  If you find yourself in a work situation that has changed and you no longer love it as you once did, find something new to love and be grateful for your new understanding.  Open yourself up to the possibilities around you and the world will notice and reward you with other opportunities to do the work you love.

Do you have a question about your job search?  Post your question or comment below or look to the right and sign up for the next Q & A session.

Have an amazing April Fool’s Day!

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