flowers in snowIt’s spring.  While it has been for about a month now, it doesn’t really feel much like spring to me.  Yet, slowly, the signs are shooing up.  The trees look ready to bud, the ground is visible again and people are buzzing around outside and at events, including those anxious to explore the job market or consider their next move.

For those of you with spring fever who are beginning to think about what’s next for your career, here is a short checklist to review.  The list includes three action items and some key questions to answer before your begin your “spring fling” and move into a full blown job search:

1.  Talk to your advocates and your brand ambassadors.

Do you have support?  Do they know you are exploring a move?  How can you entice additional support?  The 2016 elections are not near, yet you can learn from the possible candidates by watching and listening.  Your advocate and brand ambassadors are out and about, having meetings, talking to people and they can help you get a feel for the landscape — if they are well informed by you.

2.  Know what you are uniquely known for and how to leverage that in the marketplace.

Why is what you do of unique value?  Who can use your talent?  What can you do for those who can use your talent?  Can you prove your value?  Do you know how to answer the question, “Why should I invest time talking to you?”  Even if it is never asked of you, knowing the answer will carry you far.  Knowing your value and how to leverage it in the marketplace will accelerate your search.

3.  Know your call to action.

If you are exploring and/or launching a career move campaign, you need support.  In order to garner quality support, you must know what you want and what action you want from each person you engage.  Do you want them to listen?  Do you want feedback?  Do you want referrals or introductions to hiring managers?  Do you want information about their industry or particular business?  Before you engage, know your call to action.

Before you spring into action and fling yourself into the job market, do your homework.  If you want to explore a career move campaign, contact me and book a no cost 30-minute review by the end of the month.

Do you have a question or comment?  Post it below or give me a call.  I am happy answer your questions.

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5 comments until now

  1. In interviewing for staffers in my once corporate life, the call to action is so very important from the ‘other side of the desk’ Thanks for reminding your readers of this!

  2. Laura, thanks for your comments from the ‘other side of the desk’. It is easy to get tunnel vision.

  3. Thanks for posting this. Your points are well-aimed at those looking for a job. Personally, #2 served me well when I was out in the job market. I was an expert in what I did and played that up for best effect.

  4. Lilia,
    Leveraging your expert knowledge usually serves most well. What makes you unique and an expert is your and I wish all like your did would be brave and bold to play it up.

  5. This is a lovely, short and actionable post. I think it’s so important to “rally the troops” when something like this happens – and often, people are glad to help out when they cay!

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