move forward

Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are“― Brené Brown

The above quote is from a book by Brené Brown.  Her book ‘The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are’ is, in my opinion, a must read — as is her newest book Rising Strong that was published at the end of August.   Brown is a researcher, author, and at least in my view, a person who likes herself.  She is willing to speak, write and share the challenges of her own journey and what she learned from others during her research.

Brown speaks and writes about having the courage to step forward in the world — embracing and telling your story.

If you are someone ready to move forward, embrace it!

Stepping authentically into the world, the marketplace and your next position is not just about using the right tools, connecting and networking, it is also about being who you are, embracing it, and sharing it with those who need to know.

You can like the work you do.  You can step forward and tell the world you like yourself and do so in a positive, productive way. You can also enjoy the journey, have an impact and be fulfilled.

Are you ready to smooth out the peaks and valleys in your life, career and business?  Would you like to ditch the stress, have impact and do work that supports your purpose?

Embrace your story; share who you are and what you do.  Need a little inspiration?   Read any one of Brené Brown’s books.

Need an action plan?  Maybe is time to pause and ask, “What is holding me back?”

If you are ready to move forward isn’t it time your embraced who you are on LinkedIn, in the board meeting, and in those important meetings with senior leaders in your organization.

What will you embrace this week?  I’d enjoy hearing about your work, purpose and impact.  Share your comments below.

Need support to step forward to the next level?  Let’s talk.

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only 1 comment until now

  1. Wonderful questions, Cindy. Our society seems to instill a dislike for who we are, unless we meet an unreachable level of perfection. It’s a lesson it took me a long time to learn. Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom.

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