move forward

Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are“― Brené Brown

The above quote is from a book by Brené Brown.  Her book ‘The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are’ is, in my opinion, a must read — as is her newest book Rising Strong that was published at the end of August.   Brown is a researcher, author, and at least in my view, a person who likes herself.  She is willing to speak, write and share the challenges of her own journey and what she learned from others during her research.

Brown speaks and writes about having the courage to step forward in the world — embracing and telling your story.

If you are someone ready to move forward, embrace it!

Stepping authentically into the world, the marketplace and your next position is not just about using the right tools, connecting and networking, it is also about being who you are, embracing it, and sharing it with those who need to know.

You can like the work you do.  You can step forward and tell the world you like yourself and do so in a positive, productive way. You can also enjoy the journey, have an impact and be fulfilled.

Are you ready to smooth out the peaks and valleys in your life, career and business?  Would you like to ditch the stress, have impact and do work that supports your purpose?

Embrace your story; share who you are and what you do.  Need a little inspiration?   Read any one of Brené Brown’s books.

Need an action plan?  Maybe is time to pause and ask, “What is holding me back?”

If you are ready to move forward isn’t it time your embraced who you are on LinkedIn, in the board meeting, and in those important meetings with senior leaders in your organization.

What will you embrace this week?  I’d enjoy hearing about your work, purpose and impact.  Share your comments below.

Need support to step forward to the next level?  Let’s talk.

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You do not merely want to be considered just the best of the best.  You want to be considered the only ones who do what you do.” – Jerry Garcia

Growing and having fulfilling work requires courage.  Do you have courage?

Life can be messy.  When it is messy do you have the courage to call it like it is?  There are a few people in the world who dislike me (yes, it is true!) because on any given day I have the courage to call it like it is and to ask the questions that need to be asked.

It is neither mean spirited nor intended to stir painful emotions, yet I know sometimes that is the outcome.  When emotions are stirred up you might feel fearful or vulnerable.

In my 20’s and 30’s I was unwilling to own my emotions.  My first reaction was to be defensive.  Can you relate?  I wanted to blame someone else for my emotions.  I often said, “You make me feel <mad, sad, angry> — you fill in the blank.  The truth is your emotions belong to you alone and it takes courage to own your feelings . . . and your mistakes.   As Brené Brown says “We cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions.”

Having the courage to be who you are and deal with all the messy parts of life often feels uncomfortable.  Yet, uncovering your courage and allowing it to show will transform your life and your work.

A few years ago a client shared, “I love being unemployed, but I am afraid of what people think of me because I don’t have an 8-to-5 job.  I shiver thinking about what they would think if they knew I did not want to return to my previous career.”   She viewed her courage to speak her truth as a big weakness.

In the moment she allowed her courage to show up, the moment she spoke her truth, she stepped forward.  Her willingness to be courageous allowed her to explore a new way to do the work she loved.

Only 20% of people look forward to going to work on Monday morning.  Are you one of them?

It is not easy to have the courage to step away from the crowd.  Are you seeking joy, fulfillment and satisfaction from your work?  Do you have the courage to uncover and share with the world what you do?  What would it be like to be considered one of the only ones who do what you do?

Do you want help and support to uncover your courage and share your remarkable work with the world?  If so, let talk.

Do you have a comment or thought about courage?  Post it below.

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change directionAre you willing and able to change direction?

Business changes at a dramatic pace.  Your career may soon be outdated or obsolete due to shifts in market conditions, changes in consumer preferences, and/or emerging technology.

Organizations list being adaptive, flexible, and willing to change as traits sought in employees and leaders.  Are you mindful and aware of your abilities and willingness in these areas?

Research shows that awareness and openness helps you use new information quickly and sparks the creativity within you.  When teams of people have these traits and solid communication, innovation abounds.

Additionally, career opportunities abound.  Are you open to seeing the opportunities?  Are you adaptive, flexible and willing to make clear choices to sustain a remarkable career and support an organization’s goals?

One of the world’s best coaches, Louis Emond, a wonderful mentor and later a close friend coached, taught, and helped me become aware of how my old method of making choices needed to change.  This awareness allowed not only me to move to a new level of growth, but it also helped my team move to a new level of openness and growth.  This new level of growth, speed of decision making and overall direction caused changes to the team with some employees feeling like the job no longer suited them.

Teams will grow, shift and adjust.  It is important to be willing to say,  “We wish you the best” to a team member who does not desire to adjust to new conditions.  Our team learned to view these shifts as natural changes like the changing of seasons.

Lessons from Louis helped our team learn to shift — they were now prepared to change directions at critical junctions.  Business occurs in community.  Communities evolve.

The ability and willingness of people, groups and teams to shift impacts the pace of change and dictates how successful individuals, organizations, and communities are in navigating ever changing market conditions.

With the poise of a magician, Louis taught that managing your business, your career, and your team is about taking personal responsibility, demonstrating leadership, and planning for success.  When you need to change directions, by all means, change directions.  Execute a change, don’t ponder, worry or resist, EXECUTE.

As I recall, Louis often cited Vince Lombardi’s dictum of, “If it is to be, it’s up to me.”  It is not about a right or wrong choice.  It is about a choice.  Every choice will be different based on individual truth, experience and point-of-view.

When a leader asks the team to change directions and a team member resists, most leaders will ask why and listen.  If the leader’s direction is not influenced by the team and the direction set, then each team member will be asked to make his/her choice to support the direction or elect to join another team.

Every human and every member of the team makes choices.  What will your choice be?

Action Tip:

This tip is from Louis.  Leaders make choices and not all choices will be popular or the best.  Will you choose to lead?  Are you willing to ask your team to support your direction or choose to pick another?   If so, here a few action items for the week:

  • Identify who you are, who you want to be, and whom you will serve.
  • Then make choices that:  support who you are, who you are willing to be and whom you will serve.  Your choices should inspire you to do the things that bring you fulfillment, inspiration, and joy.

You can choose to have a remarkable career, business and life and forge a path alone.  Or you may choose to find a coach or mentor to partner with in order to grow at a faster rate.

The odds are you will have a lot more fun learning along the way with a coach and in community.  Are you building your support team?  The choice is always up to you.

Do you have a question about applying this action tip to be more fulfilled, inspired and satisfied in your business and career?  Let’s talk.  Contact us and ask your question.

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