fall tree
 Summer’s over!  Fall is here!  How will you make an impact today?Do you have career plans for the fall?  Are they on purpose?  Will they have the impact you desire?

The difference between top performers and those who are not is a simple secret.  The secret?  It’s all about how they view the work before them — the work of today.  It is about the level of awareness they have regarding their clarity of purpose and the impact they desire.

Fall is a great time of year to assess where you are and to get clear about the impact you want to make.  Whether business, team or individual, use this time to plan for the coming year and beyond.  Where will you be five years from today?

Ask yourself, “Is my business, team or career drifting?”

Ask yourself, “Do I manage my career as a Floater of Paddler?”   What are Floaters and Paddlers?  You can read more about them here.

Come back next week and we will explore the drift.  If you are ready to expand your impact and move to the next level exploring the drift may serve you.

You may also wish to join me at the end of October for an evening conversation on being present and aware of the drift.  Conversations can have amazing impact.

This conversation is for you if you are interested in increasing your awareness of your current environment and how your conditioning and habits affect your impact.

How do your conversations today impact your life and work tomorrow?  Share a thought or comment below.

Drop back by to learn more about the drift and conversations.  Have an amazing week!


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4 comments until now

  1. It’s always amazing to me how quickly things start rolling for us when we decide to be really purposeful with our lives and businesses. Have an amazing week! I look forward to reading more about your insights on drifting.

  2. Thanks, Bonnie for your comments. Looking forward to sharing more about drifting with you – my guess is you sooo understand the concept and the impact of purposeful action.

  3. This makes me think of something I’m working through: deciding what to work on, and what to drop! Sometimes, not working on the things that get you closer to your destination actually cause you to drift! Busy work for the sake of “feeling productive” is similar to drifting, or treading water! I think these are things we can all fall into, and we need to find perspective. Anyway, your blog post made me think of this. =)

  4. Glad the post brought you insight. Yes, I agree there are many matter or things that cause you to drift.

    Frances – delighted you shared your thoughts with the community. Have an amazing day!

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