fall tree
 Summer’s over!  Fall is here!  How will you make an impact today?Do you have career plans for the fall?  Are they on purpose?  Will they have the impact you desire?

The difference between top performers and those who are not is a simple secret.  The secret?  It’s all about how they view the work before them — the work of today.  It is about the level of awareness they have regarding their clarity of purpose and the impact they desire.

Fall is a great time of year to assess where you are and to get clear about the impact you want to make.  Whether business, team or individual, use this time to plan for the coming year and beyond.  Where will you be five years from today?

Ask yourself, “Is my business, team or career drifting?”

Ask yourself, “Do I manage my career as a Floater of Paddler?”   What are Floaters and Paddlers?  You can read more about them here.

Come back next week and we will explore the drift.  If you are ready to expand your impact and move to the next level exploring the drift may serve you.

You may also wish to join me at the end of October for an evening conversation on being present and aware of the drift.  Conversations can have amazing impact.

This conversation is for you if you are interested in increasing your awareness of your current environment and how your conditioning and habits affect your impact.

How do your conversations today impact your life and work tomorrow?  Share a thought or comment below.

Drop back by to learn more about the drift and conversations.  Have an amazing week!


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beliefDo you believe you are special?  Talented?  Different?  Unique?  Better than someone else?

I believe every person on earth is talented, different and unique.  I believe what sets people that are happy and fulfilled apart has much to do with how they unlock and use their uncommon talents, gifts and unique human potential.

Additionally, I believe it is not necessary for people to compete with one another to have the life you desire.  No one person is better than another and all people matter.  The knowledge of that is very powerful.

How do you use your potential?  Is your performance directly connected to what you believe about yourself and others?

Belief is a game changer.  Belief (some call it faith) in an experience, interaction, or event can change your impact.

What do you believe about yourself?

Those climbing to the next level realize where they are today is only a point on the journey.  Those who have impact consciously choose and believe in the next step.

For those that believe they “have arrived” or have reached the pinnacle of their potential, growth may have stopped.  They may begin to believe that only the status quo needs to be maintained.  This pause or stop in growth may be a steady roll into a valley.  It might look like a glorious golf shot hit high, long and straight with grand yardage that ends up rolling into a low spot of tall thick grass that is very tough to hit out of.

What do you believe?  Have you arrived?  Are you in a valley working to maintain the status quo?

Are you growing to the next level and not at your intentional target yet?

Eduardo Briceno has a powerful short TEDx talk on this subject, “The Power of Belief — Mindset and Success.”  Check it out.

After you watch Eduardo Briceno’s TEDx talk, share your comments or thoughts on the power of belief below.  If you found this post or the TEDx talk interesting, please share it with others.

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successMid-year evaluations are complete.  Maybe you spent weeks tuned into the gossip about who would get a raise, who’s getting a promotion and who is on the way out the door.

Then you learned your verdict.  No promotion and only the standard cost-of-living increase or maybe no increase.  Or, you had been asking for help and instead got more work.  You hoped completing more work would, at least, get you promoted.  It didn’t.  Now you are frustrated, upset and unsure of what to do.

Do you really want to do something different?  If so, here are some practical suggestions to help you move forward:

 1. Identify the conditions you want to change about your work.

What are the true conditions and issues you want to change?  Clearly identify what you want and what you are willing to take action on.  It is difficult to resolve an unidentified condition or vague matter.  It is a challenge to request support if others don’t know what you want, what you need or understand the help you wish to receive.

2. Identify what you are protecting or avoiding.

Complaints and/or comments seem to be a way to release our internal stress.  But oftentimes, when the stress is gone so is the desire to change the matter.

If you have a strong desire to change the situation look deeper.  If you are just ‘blowing off stream’ or releasing your frustration, find a way to do so that does not cause harm to your reputation and your relationships with other people.  If you are avoiding something you fear, identify the fear and how you want to productively deal with it.

3. Set up your ongoing and future success.

Identify the actions and valuable resources that will help you gain knowledge about what changes and performance level are needed to secure your desired promotion.  Start with your conversations/interactions.  When someone asks, “Did you get the promotion?” share the news and your intention.

Here a suggestion: “No, I did not receive the promotion, yet.  Thank you for asking.  If you’re interested in my progress, would you like periodic updates, in confidence of course?”

Not getting the promotion you wanted can be disappointing and frustrating.  It can also bring up concerns, stress, and doubts.  Growing to the next level is exciting, fun and fulfilling, but it can also present bumps and challenges along the way.  Having the support you need to achieve your goals helps smooth the road.

Have you missed a promotion you wanted?  What is next for you?

What are your thoughts or comments?  Please post them below.

Who are you partnering with to grow to the next level?  Do you have a mentor or coach?  Have a question or want to talk about how you can get the promotion you want?  Give us a call.

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Wherever there is danger, there lurks opportunity; whenever there is opportunity, there lurks danger.  The two are inseparable.  They go together.”~ Earl Nightingale

Doubt will kill your career.  Doubt will stop transformation in a second.

Does doubt and danger lurk in your life?  If so, it may well be killing your career.

Do you view doubt as danger?  When doubt and danger are inseparable, you may overlook opportunity.  Your brain and body work together to help you survive.

Opportunities may require you to step out of your comfort zone.  Does the area outside your comfort zone feel like danger?

For most people, their career is not filled with danger.  There are exceptions, such as military careers, skydivers, etc.  Similarly, most career opportunities are not a threat to survival.

Now that does not mean that I have not had days when an opportunity didn’t feel like danger, sending all my systems into survival mode.

Or, from time to time that real danger does not appear in my life.  Recently it appeared on the highway during a morning commute.  That morning I was delighted that “divine intervention” and all the amazing systems of my brain and body worked together to keep me safe.

Doubt is different from danger. Can you separate the two?

The Earl Nightingale quote above is a reminder that the line between danger and opportunity can be very thin.

Doubt will kill your career if you can’t see the opportunities.  Blind spots show up when doubt is ever present or hangs around too long.

The executives I work with know that awareness, experience, knowledge and preparation build confidence.  They also have learned to pay attention to doubt, to pause and gather facts and create the best responses in all situations.

If your career trajectory is ready for a transformation, learning what these executives know about paying attention to doubt can change the game, enhance your sense of freedom and allow you to have the fulfillment you desire.

Doubt and danger are different.  Danger is cars spinning around on the highway out of control.  Learning to feel and leverage doubt helps you turn those moments — those “thin” points of opportunity — into unique situations with better than envisioned outcomes.

If stress and doubt are killing your career and you are not ready for life support, let’s talk.

Shifting you view of blind spots is easier than you think. Contact me.

I’d enjoy helping you transform your career.  Have an amazing week!

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trustYou can trust people, trust them to be exactly who they are every time” – Mastin Kipp

Do you trust yourself?  Why not?

The quote above has become a favorite of mine.  I like the truth in it.

I think it was Kerri Konik who first introduced me to this Mastin Kipp quote.  Thanks Kerri!

People are who they are.  People are worthy, funny and insightful.

All people have gifts and talents unique to them.  People are resilient, graceful, and caring.  People are amazing!  All people have an essence unique to them.

Yes, this is my point-of-view and I realize it is often not a popular point of view.  Over time, many have shared with me how wrong I am on this point.  Others protest and disagree with me, stating they cannot support my point of view.  I understand.

The world is full of different points-of-view, so much so that often people begin to believe that just being themselves is not enough.

Yes, there are days when I am not focused and not aware of the essence of every person around me.  Yet, I do trust that I can pause and, with a moment of focus, am able to capture a person’s essence and, usually, the person’s unique gifts.

People are flexible and adapt.  Some people work hard to change, adapt, and adjust who they are for various reasons, needs or concerns.  Some people move away from their essence if they feel they need to do so to survive or maintain the status quo.  Some people live in the present, being who they are in a conscious manner.

Perhaps those who disagree with me view people differently.  That is okay.  Seeing who people are, at least for me, requires being present and trusting myself first.  Then I can see and trust people for who they believe they are now.

What circumstances, thoughts or beliefs shape your trust of others?  Of yourself?  What needs shape your trust when you look in the mirror each morning?

Do you trust yourself?

Do you communicate trust in yourself?

Trust is critical in hiring and finding a job.  People hire and do business with people they know, like and trust.

Does your brand allow you to build and to shape your know, like and trust factor?

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capsizedLast week, I shared how one experience created many limitations for me over the years in both my career and in business.  I allowed the past to limit my future.

For a long time, I did not stop to think, design and intentionally review the opportunities presented to me.  And, unfortunately, I did not realize it or know why.  Years later, I have come to understand my behavior and spot it in a second!  Now, I do my best to pause in lieu of reacting immediately.

Here is the story that created my limiting beliefs:

It was my first solo sailing trip after purchasing my sailboat.  I had learned how to sail, purchased the boat and went out alone on a great summer day.  Unfortunately, I opened my sails too fast and very quickly the wind caught the main sail.  The wind shifted the boat and dumped me in the water.  I am a good swimmer and almost fearless in the water.  Yet, on that day, the wind was strong and the water cold.  I felt the sting to my confidence of being ill prepared for a brief minute.

This sting momentarily rattled my confidence and tested my knowledge.  A voice in my head said, “You don’t know enough to do this alone.”  That voice was scary and loud.

A moment later, I climbed back aboard the boat and I immediately knew I could correct for the error I made — so I did.  I tried again and enjoyed sailing for another couple of hours.  I was happy, had fun and went home to share the events of the day.

As I shared my adventure with others, they added their voices of concern to the little voice in my head that kept repeating, “You don’t know enough to do this alone.”  Over time the voice in my head, and the voices of others, grew to sound like a bold, robust choir!  I started to believe that perhaps the others knew better than I did.  What if they were right?  What if I did take too many risks?

In the moment that I lifted my head out of the water that day and the cold wind stung my face I began to write the ending to a story that would evolve and limit my opportunities for many years.  My story that resulted in quick “NO’s” kept telling me, “Don’t be too fearless.  Don’t be too courageous.  Don’t risk too much.”

Now when that choir shows up like a cold wind, instead of saying “NO” immediately, I use it to offer encouragement to myself to pause and assess each opportunity.  When that sailing experience flashes through my mind, I see it as an opportunity to design, craft and set an intention for each opportunity before me.  Rather than being a limitation, as it initially was, it is now helpful.

What story do you tell yourself that limits your opportunities?

What story or stories do you need to review?

If you are a courageous, do-it-yourself person, much like me, you may be putting off seeking help and support.  I can tell you I did not learn to turn off the choir and write new endings without help.

Just like learning to sail, building a career or a business are adventures that are much more fun and profitable when they are not solo adventures.  I sought out mentors, coaches and many others to help me.  Who is helping you rewrite your “stories?”  Who is helping you build and transform your career?

If you are ready for a career, business, or life experience that will transform your work and create an amazing new career filled with fun and many opportunities, let’s talk.


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sailboatI love the summer season.  It brings play, work and fun into a different space for me.

Most of all, summer is a reminder to create, design, and intentionally write the endings to the experiences and stories of my life.

What about you?

Do you have stories you tell yourself that limit your opportunities?

For years I had many ‘stories’ that created interesting limitations.  One in particular came not from previous work experience, but rather from a sailing experience.

In my youth, I learned to sail with my dad and family.  I enjoyed sailing and decided to buy a sailboat.  This is where my limiting story began.

It took me years to realize how one event created so many far-reaching limitations for me. Later I was offered an invitation to ‘open my sails’ and I immediately said, “NO.”    Not, “No thank you” or “Let me have the details” — replies that would have allowed me to assess the opportunity and risk.  My reply was just “NO!”  It was a time when the winds of change were strong.  In an instant, I felt the winds on my face and decided the invitation was too risky.  Why?  On that day, I was not sure.  It was later, while talking with my coach that I sorted out the reason.

The simple answer?  A story from the past that instantly wrote an ending to this invitation.  An ending that felt too risky.

Do you do this with career opportunities?

What story do you tell yourself that limits your opportunities?

Join me next week for more about my sailing story . . .

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big-leap-150A few weeks ago, Nancy Tierney, a super gal and owner of Firecracker Communications, posted the article  “Do You Have An Upper Limit Problem?“.  Nancy’s post is a must read.

Here is why:

  1.  She shares the definition of the “Upper Limit Problem” as explained in the introduction of Gay Hendricks book, The Big Leap.
  2.  She opens the conversation as to what holds so many of us back.

Job seekers, those seeking promotion and entrepreneurs/managers trying to grow a business, so often “put the brakes on” success.  If you are ready to move forward and accelerate your search in 2015, then it is time to understand and reframe how you hold yourself back.

I hope you will read Nancy’s post and Gay Hendricks’ book.  Both are good and offer insight for the months ahead.  Then, I hope you will pause and ask yourself these questions:

  1. What did I do last week to hold myself back?
  2. What one thing would I like to change, or reframe, this week to land the job I want?

Think about it.  What limitations did you set for yourself today or this week?

Was it?

  • You worked all day and you’re too tired to take one positive action to accelerate your search.
  • Your family/kids/boss needed something, so you allowed that need to set the bar for how successful you can be today.
  • You believe you are too shy, not enough or not worthy of a conversation.  Or, you are too busy looking for job postings to make one positive personal connection or contact today.

Is your internal thermostat set to low?

Is it you that is holding you back?

Do you have an “Upper Limit Problem?”

Have a comment or thought?  Post it below.

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thoughtsEvery thought drives your results . . . so, why not harness the power of your thoughts?

When you are ready to impact your results in record time, understanding and using the energy of your thoughts is one of the fastest ways to achieve the results YOU want.

Thoughts  ==>  Beliefs  ==>   Actions  ==>   Results

Your thoughts drive your beliefs, your beliefs drive your actions, and your actions drive your results.

The process is simple.  In fact, it is so simple that most people overlook it or assume there is no value in the process.

You have thousands of thoughts a day, including many you are not even conscious of.  It is time to tune in to your thoughts.

Tuning in to your thoughts allows you to be more intentional — often in a matter of days.  Conscious or not, your thoughts create your beliefs, your beliefs create your habits, and your habits drive your actions.  Your actions always create your results.

Do you have doubts?  I get it.  I doubted for a long time.

Why did I doubt?  I looked around and saw so many reasons for my lack of results.  It seemed changing my actions had little impact.  Then my coach asked me one simple question.  This one question was all it took for me to see and harness the power of my thoughts in a more meaningful way.  Are you, too, looking for this type of powerful shift?  The kind of shift that will accelerate your career and shorten your search time?

The starting place for the shift lies in knowing the power of your thoughts — not just understanding, but truly knowing.

The first step to knowing is to examine the process in reverse (Results  ==>  Actions  ==>   Beliefs  ==>   Thoughts).

As an example, here is how I assisted a recent coaching client reverse the process and harness the power of his thoughts.  This particular client wanted his next career move to include a step up in responsibility with a new organization and his search needed to be confidential.

We discussed the process in reverse:

Result:  No positive contact after 11 months and the door had been closed.

Actions:  Identified the contact; got a warm introduction; reached out; followed up; repeated follow up; had a brief phone conversation that closed with no clear next step; ended with a reply from the contact instructing my client not to follow up in the future.

Beliefs:  contact was too busy; contact had many responsibilities; there was no value in the contact talking to candidates when the organization was not officially hiring.


  1. “I will do this because it is what I should do, but no one this busy will take time to meet with me.”
  2. “When I was working I would never waste my time this way.”
  3. “It is not this contact’s job to talk to people, it is his job to get the work done.”

What do you think impacted this client’s results?  What drove his results?

The client saw the power of his thoughts (and their impact on his results) in a matter of minutes.  He immediately understood what he needed to shift to accelerate his search.

Your thoughts are very powerful.  If you don’t like your results take a look at your beliefs and your thoughts.

Tune in.  Know your thoughts.  Harness their power.  Every thought drives your results.

Share your thoughts below and if you need assistance accelerating your search, contact me.

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Does your past or present behavior impact your job search?

Is the hurt, anger, and frustration you feel impacting your search?

Maybe.  Past behavior is a solid indicator of how you will perform in the future.

Unsettled emotions will show up when you least expect them — in an interview or during an important conversation.  At these times your emotions may be evident and misunderstood.  It is not always clear to you, or others, the impact your emotions have on your search.

The loss of a job brings up many emotions.  You will grieve.  It is a loss.  Go ahead and grieve.

You may need to forgive someone.  If so, I encourage you to do so.  I am not an expert on forgiveness, but I do know the power forgiveness has had in my life. There are many experts.  If you need one to help you forgive, seek out that assistance.

A very powerful tool in this process is journaling.  Spend 5 to 10 minutes per day writing down how you feel about your job search.  This is not about documenting what you are doing, but rather what you are feeling.  It will allow your feelings to come to the surface and help you see the situation more clearly.  Don’t type, write.  Set a timer.  Do not edit, correct or judge — just write.  When the time is up, move on to the other tasks of your day.

Recently, a client share with me a blind spot he had uncovered after only one week of journaling.  He felt it may have impacted his last 6 interviews!  The sadness he was feeling did not come from the job loss, but rather the loss of connections within his prior organization.  He realized these feelings were causing him to distance himself from people.  The realization was very powerful for him.

You never know what you might discover (or not).  The power of letting your feelings flow via your pen each day is amazing.  Give it a shot and let me know the impact it has on you.

Have an amazing week!
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