qyestionIf you read my blog regularly you may recall a recent post about “drift.”  Over the last year I have discovered much about the impact of drift in my own life.

This year one of my coaches, Laura Clark, has helped my explore my personal drift on a much deeper level.  One discovery in my work with Laura has been the power of experiencing the drift like the wind on my face.  I am also learning to use my own strengths in new and different ways — including asking powerful, and tough, questions.

Most people who know me, including my clients, will tell you I ask tough questions . . . and now I’m learning how to use them to help others who are experiencing drift.

If you are seeking more satisfaction, meaning and fulfillment from your career, it could be time for you to ask the tough questions, too.

WARNING:  Tough questions can cause discomfort, uncertainty, and doubt.

Before you blow by and quickly answer each question just to move on to the next task, I challenge you to pause.  Pause and feel the wind on your face.  If you are inside, pause and feel the temperature of the air in the room on your face.

Here are a few very powerful questions:

  • Who am I?
  • Where am I?
  • Why am I here?

Do you feel the wind or temperature?

During the last year as I have focused on each of these questions in a new and deeper manner, I have rediscovered the power each question truly holds — and, the edge and discomfort of each question.

Whether you are on the edge of transition or transformation, these questions may be all you need to launch you to the next level.

This week, pause and answer these questions.  Answer them as they call to you.

Have a comment, share it below.  If the questions will serve someone you know, share this post.

Do you want to discuss your answers and how they impact your career, business and work?  Let’s talk. I  am happy to schedule a career chat with you.

Doing the work you love, living your purpose, and having impact is fun and amazing!

Ready to align awesome?

Contact me to discuss how the power of questions and coaching can transform your life, your results and your impact in the world.

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3 comments until now

  1. I haven’t heard the term ‘drift’ used in this connotation but it makes total sense. As opposed to being stuck, I have had times when I was just floating along with the current, even when I knew I had things to do. and these questions are great to help us get to the important realities we’re looking for.

  2. Louise, glad it makes sense for you. People can be stuck, however discovered for myself and the business leaders I work with there are times of ‘drift’ and discomfort that often show up just before growth and moving to a new level of meaning, satisfaction and impact.

  3. “WARNING: Tough questions can cause discomfort, uncertainty, and doubt.” I love that you add the warning in….and your questions are spot on. I know too many right now making 2016 plans without revisiting this. We change and shift so much that it’s important to really look at (or revisit) what our purpose is before creating the big plans!

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