wow  Do your networking results need help?

Yes?  Then it is time to ditch boring and dull!  It is time to create and share your WOW personal  branded introduction (or Elevator Speech).  It is your branded commercial, serving as your introduction to so many — and, frankly, a necessity.

Use it when you meet and greet (both online and off), understanding it answers the question, “Tell me about yourself.”

An Elevator Speech or your WOW personal branded introduction is a marketing pitch, customized to the people and situations in which you want to secure a conversation.  A conversation is step one, and begins to build or further a relationship.  If you do not WOW people when you first meet, chances are there will be no next conversation, no opportunity to foster a relationship.

In today’s digital, fast-paced world getting lost or forgotten in a sea of information is easy.  Having a WOW personal branded introduction is critical in helping you stand out and be remembered (favorably).

What is the WOW in your branded introduction?

WOW stands for your Worth (what you do and the impact of it), the Opportunities you are seeking, and What you can do for the person (or someone they know) experiencing your message.

Your WOW makes you memorable, helps others connect with you and understand why they should care about what you have to say.   If the WOW is missing, odds are you will be forgotten or the conversation will fizzle quickly.  Without a strong WOW your brand awareness is diminished and it takes longer to have influence in any situation.

Remember, you only have seconds to connect, set the stage and share your WOW.  Your first impression is vital — make it count or you will be forgotten!

Ditch your boring introduction.  Be relevant.  Gain favorable attention.  Ensure that when you meet someone they understand what you do and the impact you have.

Ready to ditch boring and add WOW?

There are thousands of formulas for an elevator speech — pick any formula you like, and then draft your initial speech.

Then slice it, dice it, edit it, and make it yours.  Deb Dib co-author of “Ditch Dare Do!”  recommends being ruthless when editing — every word counts!

Hone your personal branded introduction.  Practice it.  Use it.  Change it as you grow.  You need to be comfortable delivering it, yet if it sounds canned it will impact the impression you make.

This formula will get you started:  “I <what you do> <the problem you solve> and the <results you produce>.

As you grow you will want your WOW introduction to evolve.  As it evolves, update your online social profiles to reflect your updates.

If your WOW personal branded introduction or social media profiles need attention, get help.  If I can help, feel free to contact me.

In 15+ words you can share a great deal about your brand and what you do.  You can go from boring to having conversations that build relationships and land opportunities faster than you think.  With focus and some editing you can create an amazing WOW statement.

You get the idea — ditch boring (and the extra words), create WOW, and be remembered.

Does your Elevator Speech have WOW?   Is it on brand, clear and to the point?  Does it tell your brand story?

Have a comment or thought?  Post it below.

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You are growing fast, maybe faster than those around you.  As you look forward to your next position the terrain looks a bit bumpy.

You know that speed over rough terrain can be very dangerous.  One wrong turn could flip you on your head, cause a spin-out or worse.

This is the time to understand the terrain.  Look around, listen, and assess what your fine-tuned instincts and intuition are telling you about the terrain.  It is time to cut the clutter and step forward with intention.

One of the first steps is to carefully pause and look at your own energy, the energy within your organization, and the energy of your current industry.  When you are growing fast and taking care of day-to-day business, reflective pauses are necessary to avoid missteps and to get an accurate read on your surroundings.

Next, be sure you are ready for and open to the opportunities around you.  Have those key heart-to-heart conversations with your boss.  Ask if he/she is happy with your leadership, direction and results.  Ensure you are aligned with your boss, the organization’s direction and achieving results at the expected pace.

Then, ask about the future and where your boss views you in six months and two years.   You may be looking to make a move outside the organization or industry, that is fine.  No matter your direction, you need to know how others view you and the actions/results they expect you to achieve.  Not understanding your boss’ expectations creates a blind spot.  Blind spots can be deadly as you speed over rough terrain.

Finally, create a process for yourself (and one that your boss will appreciate) to follow up, check in, and communicate what you are doing and your results.  Most people believe others know about your actions and results — it is the old “actions speak louder than other words.”   Allowing your actions to speak for themselves might have worked in 1950, but now it a sure way to be out-of-sight, out-of-mind.

Ditch the “I refuse to brag about or tout my results” mindset.   If you want to get promoted and earn what you are worth, help others know and understand the value of your results.  Life and work are busy, helping people keep up-to-date also helps others navigate the terrain ahead and is viewed as a valuable service.

Navigating the road ahead is not just about you and what you want.  It is also about helping others get what they want.   An intentional path with a specific, well executed plan accelerates your journey over the roughest terrain and helps you avoid an out-of-control spin.

Do you have a question about navigating your next promotion?  Post your question below or contact me directly.

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Last Thursday evening I was in New York City and joined the authors of “Ditch. Dare. Do!“, William Arruda and Deb Dib at the launch party for their latest book – Ditch. Dare. Do!  What  a blast!

It was a warm summer evening topped off by a late evening summer shower of rain.  The book launch party was fun, amazing and the room was filled with boundless energy.  Why – that’s simple it is hard to be in the presence of so many people who are so passionate about the work they do and not feel the waves of energy all around you.  The smiles and sparks of imagination and talent in the room were as brilliant as fireworks over the Washington Mall on the 4th of July.  What a joy to be among that energy.

If your 4th of July celebrate is only half the fun of the book launch party – you will be in store for a great celebration.  Enjoy your holiday!

Want to add some fun and great reading?

Whether you are headed for the beach, lake or anywhere that calls for a book to read or if you have a few minutes and want to boost your career pick up your copy of “Ditch. Dare. Do!”   It is a wonderful guide to help you ‘supercharge your career’.

Many of you have heard me share tips from “Ditch. Dare. Do!“.  I know the tips will help you learn how to become influential, indispensable, and incredibly happy at work.  Read the book and share your comments below.   Did you like the video?  Share your thoughts on the video too.

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niche image


Everyone has a special niche – their little corner of the world.  Are you known in your corner of the world?

If not, why not?   Did you elect to stay a secret?


Are you a secret because:

  • You don’t have the time to figure out your value?
  • You don’t have the confidence to share it with the world?
  • You don’t have the time to share your story?

Odds are you are very good at what you do.  And, the odds are just as great that very few people know much about you, your niche and what makes your work so special.

We are all taught, “don’t brag” and “let your work speak for itself.”   Those are great sayings and I ‘m sure, when shared with us as children, the intent was to help or protect us from something.

As a career coach, I talk to so many people who not only don’t know how to describe or share their unique niche, they have no clue what the value of their special skills are in the marketplace.  Are you one of those people?

If you are, you are limiting your income, happiness and success.  Companies, peers and potential hiring managers are looking for confidence and for people who add value to their teams by knowing who they are and what they can do.

If you are confident and known in you niche, you will be looked for and found.  If you hide your value or simply fail to share it, others won’t seek you out and you will always find yourself running to stay even or just one step ahead.

In today’s marketplace, those who enjoy the most success, have the most fun and are the most influential in their industry are recognized in their niche and by the people who need them.  They have a strong brand and they enjoy life every day.

It’s really not difficult to achieve this status, do the work you love and have clients value your skills.

If you are ready to join the ranks of these confident and talented people, I highly recommend you read:  Ditch. Dare. Do!  3D Personal Branding for Executives: 66 Ways To Become Influential, Indispensable, and Incredibly Happy at Work.  

You can learn more about the book at  or purchase it at “Ditch. Dare. Do!”  

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elevator speech

Yes, it is!   Boring is out for 2013 and WOW is in!

Everyone needs an Elevator Speech.  It is your commercial and often serves as your only introduction.

Used when you meet and greet, it answers the question,“Tell me about yourself.”   The term “Elevator Speech,” as I understand it, comes from the Venture Capital world.  It was developed as a marketing pitch, customized to the people and situation and designed to secure funding for the next great idea or product.

Has your Elevator Speech lost its WOW (or maybe never really had it)?  If so, it’s time to ditch it!

What is the WOW in your branded Elevator Speech?

WOW stands for your Worth (what you do and the impact of it), the Opportunities you are seeking, and What you can do for the person (or someone they know) experiencing your message.

Your WOW makes you memorable, helps others connect with you and understand why they should care about what you have to say.   If the WOW is missing, odds are you will be forgotten or the conversation will fizzle quickly.  Without a strong WOW your brand awareness is diminished and it takes longer to have influence in any situation.

Remember, you only have seconds to connect, set the stage and share your WOW.  Your first impression is vital — make it count or you will be forgotten!

Ditch your boring Elevator Speech.  Be relevant.  Gain favorable attention.  Ensure that when you meet someone they understand what you do and the impact you have.

Ready to ditch boring and add WOW?

There are thousands of formulas for an elevator speech — pick any formula you like.  Draft your initial speech.

Then slice it, dice it, edit it, and make it yours.    Deb Dib co-author of “Ditch Dare Do!”  recommends being ruthless when editing — every word should count!

Now it is time to hone your elevator speech.  Practice it.  Use it.  Change it as you grow.  You need to be comfortable delivering it, yet if it sounds canned it will impact the impression you make.

This formula will get you started:  “I <what you do> <the problem you solve> and the <results you produce>.

Here is an example a client started with:

“I train rescue dogs to serve as companions for recent widows struggling with a lifestyle change and who want a friend around the house, but no more laundry in their life!”

The above message includes humor that may not fit you.  It fits the person who shared it.

In 25+ words you know a great deal about her brand and what she does.  When she speaks you will decide to continue a conversation or not.  Yet the message is long.

After some editing, she now delivers her WOW in 12 words.   Less is often more!

She revised it as follows:

“I train dogs to serve as companions for widows who hate laundry!”

You get the idea.  Ditch boring and the extra words.

Does your Elevator Speech have WOW?   Is it on brand, clear and to the point? Does it tell your brand story?

Have a comment or thought?  Post it below.

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do more

“The world cares very little about what a man or woman knows; it is what a man or woman is able to do that counts.” ~ Booker T. Washington

What makes you indispensable?  (Hint:  it is not what you know.)

You already know building a strong personal brand illustrates you are indispensable and influential.  So, what are you doing to build your personal brand?

Your personal brand tells others about you — what you are able to do, the impact of your actions, and why it matters to the world.

The impact?  You become vital to the right people.  You become a key player in their organizations, not because of what you know, but because of your actions, the results they garner and the far reaching impact of what you DO!

And, all this doesn’t just happen — you have to make it happen!

As 2013 begins, are you ready to be influential, indispensable and have more fun?

Here are 3 tips to help you start leveraging your personal brand:

1)  Assess your personal brand and decide how you want to leverage what you DO.

2)  Take one action per week that positively impacts your personal brand and makes you indispensable.

3)  Want 66 tips to help you execute on number 2?  Read “Ditch. Dare. Do!” by William Arruda and Deb Dib.

In fact, if you call me by Saturday, January 12th, 2013 and request a copy of Ditch. Dare. Do! by Personal Branding Guru William Arruda and CEO Coach Deb Dib,  you will be added to the list of my executive clients that are receiving a free copy of the book when it is released next week.   Don’t wait!  Call me by Saturday, Jan 12, 2013.

When calling, please leave your full name and complete mailing address [don’t forget the zip code] and I will send you a copy of the book.  No catch, simply my gift to you as a reader of my blog.

You’ll love the book.  You’ll learn the same tips top executives know and use to leverage their personal brand.  Make 2013 the year you land the job you want, with less stress and earn the salary you deserve.

Want to know more about Ditch. Dare. Do!?  Listen to this interview with William Arruda and Deb Dib.


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