
Social proof (what others says about you) has always been important to success.  Within LinkedIn there are several ways to leverage social proof, including Recommendations and Endorsements.

The Endorsements feature within your LinkedIn Profile allows your first degree connections to offer social proof regarding the skills you have listed in your profile.  The feature is easy to set up and use.

Yes, I know, since 2012 when the feature was introduced there has been a love/hate relationship with Endorsements . . . but that’s a post for another time.

LinkedIn Endorsements are a public statement of support, or approval of, your skills in a specific area.  Unfortunately, LinkedIn has not encouraged users to be thoughtful about using the tool or endorsing others.

By following the recommendations listed below you can favorably influence the value of your Endorsements:

1. Review the skills in your profile.  You can list up to 50 skills.  Ensure the skills you list are consistent with your current professional focus and strategy.  Keep in mind that few people will wade through a list of 50, so it important to list your most important skills first.

2. Appropriately endorse your connections.  Make a list of your first degree connections that you are willing to endorse.  Your official public statement or approval of someone’s skills on LinkedIn is a valuable gift.   Your endorsement is social proof of a person’s skill.  Set up time in your schedule, review each profile and endorse the skills you are willing and able to talk to others about.  Don’t forget to write LinkedIn recommendations for your connections as appropriate.  This is a pay-it-forward activity.  Don’t expect an endorsement or recommendation in return.  Also, do not feel obligated to endorse everyone who endorses you.  One reason the value of endorsements has been questioned by some is the quid pro quo factor.

3. Review your settings.  If the big blue box that appears when you view profiles saying, “Show me suggestions to endorse my connections” annoys you, turn it off.  I don’t recommend you elect not to be endorsed as that action is akin to saying, “No thanks, keywords don’t matter.”  Keywords within your profile are important and helpful to others.

It is easier than you think to build social proof and leverage your LinkedIn Profile.  If you need help leveraging the power of LinkedIn feel free to contact me.

Unlock your potential, share your uniqueness and amazing results will occur!

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stack_of_booksAre you becoming better and more knowledgeable in your field and your role?  It is easy to fall into the trap of doing the same thing over and over.

Are you someone spending 20 to 30 hours per week editing a resume, applying for jobs and dreaming about your next promotion?

Here are 3 tips for becoming employed faster:

1.  Track your time for a week.  What are you spending your time doing?  What are the results of your actions?  How much time do you spend taking action, learning, doing and becoming a <insert your profession here>?  Make adjustments and eliminate time-wasting activities.

2. Focus on a specific outcome.  What outcome do you hope to achieve?  Deliberate focus allows you to see opportunities, take risks, and do what needs to be done.

3.  Take stock in your work, your learning and your awareness of who you are.  What did you do this week?  What did you learn?  Honor who you are.  Be grateful for what you learned, the actions you took and what support and resources you received.  Speak a word or two of gratitude aloud.  Share what you are doing appropriately.

Embrace who you are and who you are becoming.  Learn and take action.  Share what you are up to so the world knows, after all, success does not happen in secret.

And, if you have the back-to-school urge or it’s time to enhance your learning opportunities here are few of my favorite resources:

Khan Academy – brush up on those skills

Codecademy – learn to code with this interactive site

TED – browse the latest and best videos from thought leaders around the world

Or, locate learning opportunities through your favorite professional organization.  My favorite is SHRM.  Professional associations and societies are great places to learn and keep up with what’s new in your particular profession.

Have an amazing day!

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fact or belief

“Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance.  Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts.”  ~Aladdin, Disney’s “Aladdin”

When you are ready to move your career forward by searching for your next job, judgment will play a role.  Judgment can be your friend or your foe.  Aladdin’s quote offers a simple tip to help you accelerate your search:  things and people may not be as they seem.

Frankly, placing your snap judgments (not your good sense or discretion) on the shelf during your job search and instead adopting a practice of conscious discernment will accelerate your search.  Discernment is clearly seeing and understanding people, things, and situations by sorting out the facts from your beliefs and emotions.

A job search is filled with highs and lows.  It requires you to draw on your resources and seek the support of others.  For example, the judgement that a job search is a solitary journey ignores the facts.  The truth?  You will not achieve success in your search without the help of others.

Additionally, thoughts such as “I am not worthy or capable or deserving of this position” are judgements.  If you are not aware of these judgements, they can easily become your truth.

Similarly, we often create scenarios about how others will react to us and our resumes.  We rarely know what someone will do before they actually act.  These judgments impede your progress and stop you from achieving your goals.  This type of thinking is more creative than all the amazing animation in all the Disney movies combined.

Failing to shelve these types of judgements may well turn your job search into a long, emotionally draining period of time.  If you cannot discern whether your judgement is friend or foe, find support and ask for help.

Others will help you.  Seek out what you need.  Ask friends and peers to help you sort through your judgments and doubts and locate the facts.

Are you ready to banish your judgements and accelerate your job search?  If you are looking for support and someone to help you see your situation clearly, feel free to contact me.


visionHumans are visual creatures.  Sight, photos and the environment all around us shape our view of the world.Photos and images are shared more often on social media than posts with text alone.  Why?  I believe it is because, as humans, we are hard-wired for connection — to live and work in community.  Images, or visual communication, helps in fostering connections and building relationships.  Sharing visual images with the world helps us understand each other -and- helps you show your value — how you serve and help others.

It is the same for your career.  When you have a “vision” for your career others can see what you see.  If you share it, others can help you achieve your vision.

What is your vision for your career?  What is your vision for your life?

From time to time we all need help updating our vision.  If you need help creating or updating your career vision, please allow me to gift you “My Ideal Career” activity.  Once you receive and use this quick activity you will have the foundation to easily “see” and share your career vision with the world.

Share your vision, accelerate your search, and land the job you want.  Have a comment?  Post it below.

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thoughtsEvery thought drives your results . . . so, why not harness the power of your thoughts?

When you are ready to impact your results in record time, understanding and using the energy of your thoughts is one of the fastest ways to achieve the results YOU want.

Thoughts  ==>  Beliefs  ==>   Actions  ==>   Results

Your thoughts drive your beliefs, your beliefs drive your actions, and your actions drive your results.

The process is simple.  In fact, it is so simple that most people overlook it or assume there is no value in the process.

You have thousands of thoughts a day, including many you are not even conscious of.  It is time to tune in to your thoughts.

Tuning in to your thoughts allows you to be more intentional — often in a matter of days.  Conscious or not, your thoughts create your beliefs, your beliefs create your habits, and your habits drive your actions.  Your actions always create your results.

Do you have doubts?  I get it.  I doubted for a long time.

Why did I doubt?  I looked around and saw so many reasons for my lack of results.  It seemed changing my actions had little impact.  Then my coach asked me one simple question.  This one question was all it took for me to see and harness the power of my thoughts in a more meaningful way.  Are you, too, looking for this type of powerful shift?  The kind of shift that will accelerate your career and shorten your search time?

The starting place for the shift lies in knowing the power of your thoughts — not just understanding, but truly knowing.

The first step to knowing is to examine the process in reverse (Results  ==>  Actions  ==>   Beliefs  ==>   Thoughts).

As an example, here is how I assisted a recent coaching client reverse the process and harness the power of his thoughts.  This particular client wanted his next career move to include a step up in responsibility with a new organization and his search needed to be confidential.

We discussed the process in reverse:

Result:  No positive contact after 11 months and the door had been closed.

Actions:  Identified the contact; got a warm introduction; reached out; followed up; repeated follow up; had a brief phone conversation that closed with no clear next step; ended with a reply from the contact instructing my client not to follow up in the future.

Beliefs:  contact was too busy; contact had many responsibilities; there was no value in the contact talking to candidates when the organization was not officially hiring.


  1. “I will do this because it is what I should do, but no one this busy will take time to meet with me.”
  2. “When I was working I would never waste my time this way.”
  3. “It is not this contact’s job to talk to people, it is his job to get the work done.”

What do you think impacted this client’s results?  What drove his results?

The client saw the power of his thoughts (and their impact on his results) in a matter of minutes.  He immediately understood what he needed to shift to accelerate his search.

Your thoughts are very powerful.  If you don’t like your results take a look at your beliefs and your thoughts.

Tune in.  Know your thoughts.  Harness their power.  Every thought drives your results.

Share your thoughts below and if you need assistance accelerating your search, contact me.

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It is a powerful question.  Yet, many don’t like the question.Were you taught not to ask “Why?”  Did someone tell you to use “Why?” sparingly?Yes, some people are defensive when asked “Why?”  Others are not.  Frankly, I think if you want to search for facts,  “Why?”  is a very  powerful question.Asking “Why?” can help you discover information more quickly and in the process accelerate your search.  If you want to determine if a position or organization is a good fit for you, ask “Why?”

When considering a new position ask yourself the following five “Why” questions.  Remember to answer with facts, not interpretations.

  1. Why do you want this job?
  2. Why this job at this organization over any other job?
  3. Why didn’t you know about this job before today?
  4. Why will you be more successful at this job in this organization than at your past position or a previously applied for posting?
  5. Why will you pursue this position and be successful?

These “Five Whys” are helpful in many situations.  The questions (and subsequent answers) allow you to get to the issue, arrive at a decision or gain a better understanding with speed and clarity.

What “Why” questions will you ask today?

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Both sets of skills, soft and technical, are important to excelling in work and life.

During a recent social gathering the conversation turned to work and interactions at work.  This led to an additional   conversation about whether soft or technical skills were more important in the workplace.  As I listened with interest, I discovered that most in the group valued soft skills over technical ones.  Traits such as honesty and a strong work ethic were highly valued.


People began to share stories about employees/co-workers that did not know how to dress for their environment, communicate effectively or exhibit flexibility.  These are all soft skills.

One story revolved around a candidate who was unable to carry on a conversation with the CEO.  Another story shared concern over a friend who seemed to move jobs every six months because of his lack of flexibility.  A third story was about a good person whose serious, negative tone was impacting business.  In this case, the owner of the company suggested the employee take a month off with pay to find a new position and learn to “lighten up.”

These stories were all about real people and the skills impacting performance were all soft skills.

Employers often note a lack of soft skills as the reason for termination.  Employees, on the other hand, often share their reason for leaving a job as a conflict with their boss or another employee, not specific job duties.

As you search for you next position, take a look at your soft skills.  How do you communicate and add value with your soft skills?

Are you honing your soft skills as well as your technical skills?

Skills are like muscles — you need to use them to make them stronger.  If you don’t exercise your muscles, they get weak.

Here are the key things you can do this week to hone your soft skills:

  1. Pick a soft skill where you excel.
  2. Note three ways you used the soft skill this week.
  3. Note the results of using the soft skill during the week.

“Rinse and repeat” 1-3 above with a soft skill you wish to hone.

What soft skills do you excel in?  What soft skills do you need to hone?

Share what soft skill you want to hone below and how that will help you.


Does your past or present behavior impact your job search?

Is the hurt, anger, and frustration you feel impacting your search?

Maybe.  Past behavior is a solid indicator of how you will perform in the future.

Unsettled emotions will show up when you least expect them — in an interview or during an important conversation.  At these times your emotions may be evident and misunderstood.  It is not always clear to you, or others, the impact your emotions have on your search.

The loss of a job brings up many emotions.  You will grieve.  It is a loss.  Go ahead and grieve.

You may need to forgive someone.  If so, I encourage you to do so.  I am not an expert on forgiveness, but I do know the power forgiveness has had in my life. There are many experts.  If you need one to help you forgive, seek out that assistance.

A very powerful tool in this process is journaling.  Spend 5 to 10 minutes per day writing down how you feel about your job search.  This is not about documenting what you are doing, but rather what you are feeling.  It will allow your feelings to come to the surface and help you see the situation more clearly.  Don’t type, write.  Set a timer.  Do not edit, correct or judge — just write.  When the time is up, move on to the other tasks of your day.

Recently, a client share with me a blind spot he had uncovered after only one week of journaling.  He felt it may have impacted his last 6 interviews!  The sadness he was feeling did not come from the job loss, but rather the loss of connections within his prior organization.  He realized these feelings were causing him to distance himself from people.  The realization was very powerful for him.

You never know what you might discover (or not).  The power of letting your feelings flow via your pen each day is amazing.  Give it a shot and let me know the impact it has on you.

Have an amazing week!
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Summer is here.  In fact almost two-thirds of the “100 days of Summer” are behind us.  Are you hot and thirsty?

Harvey Mackay says, “Dig your well before you’re thirsty” and in West Texas we say, “Take your shade with you.”  Shade and water can help you ward off or solve many of the problems that arise due to the summer heat.

Here are a few quick and simple ways to ensure the summer heat does not beat or blister your career.  No matter your industry, career expertise or area of interest, think of these actions as “water and shade” to help you handle any career problems or opportunities that crop up.

Seek out face-to-face connections.  Find professional, industry, and social groups/associations in your geographic area.  For example, the local CPA association, the software developer or WordPress Meetup Group, Rotary Club or the community garden group.  These groups are think tanks, user groups and natural places to make face-to-face connections.  They provide opportunities to build visibility and credibility.  Face-to-face interactions are far more powerful than relationships exclusively based online.  A Google search will help you find the groups in your area.  You can also ask your current network what groups they recommend.

Look for online groups to join and get involved.  LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook all have millions of groups.  There’s one for most anything that comes to mind.  Make a short list of your interests, then search for a group.  You can comment, post a question or add your expertise/technical knowledge to help others solve a problem.  Recommendation: before posting a question, search existing discussions to see if your question has been asked and answered.  If so, comment that you found the information/group helpful.

Connect with people that solve the problems you need solved.  Everyone has problems.  Everyone solves problems.  We need other people and naturally feel a stronger connection to people who like the same things we like and enjoy.  Gardeners help other gardeners with any problem they have, not just things to do with growing a garden.  The same holds true for teachers, Apple junkies, golfers, etc.  Add a keyword to your online profiles to help search features link you with other like-minded people.  In some ways this is better than “carrying shade with you” because it helps shade show up just when you need it from those with whom you share common interests.

Say “Yes” to friends and invitations.  It is sad to me when I hear, “I only connect with people I know well.”  Why?  Knowing someone well takes time, interaction, and effort, saying “yes” can be that first step toward getting to know someone well.  Those you connect with today may be those you know well tomorrow.  They also know people you don’t who may be able to help you achieve your goals.

Connecting with people may be all you need to find water, shade and the solution to keeping the heat from blistering your career.  Enjoy who you connect with during the final “100 days of summer.”  Have fun and add prosperity and satisfaction to your summer, your career and your life.

Have an amazing week!

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popcornIs your resume stale and lifeless?  Or is it full of energy and relevant data about you and what you do?

Your resume is an important marketing tool.  If it is as stale as popcorn popped a week ago sitting in a humid kitchen, your reputation, career and next promotion are being impacted.

A resume without energy, pop and sizzle will sit.  In fact, it may never be read.

Think about it.  If you are busy, do you want to read a lifeless, seemingly endless list of job duties or do you want to know who this person is and what they can do for you?  The latter, I bet.  The same is true for busy hiring managers.

If you have not updated your resume in the last 90 days, it is time to do so.  That’s right, update it once a quarter.  Resumes have a short shelf life.

Before you do anything to your resume spend a week with it.  Here’s how:

  1. Read it three times a day.  Once in the morning, once after lunch and once in the evening.  One of these times read it aloud.
  2. After a week, grab a highlighter and highlight the accomplishments/results you achieved in the last six months or a year.  Where are these within the document?
  3. Grab a different color highlighter and mark your relevant brand attributes.
  4. Finally, grab a pen and mark out the parts that bore you, date you or are no longer relevant to the work you are doing or want to do.

Now you are ready to begin to update it and make your resume pop.  No more stale, lifeless resume for you.

Are you too close to your resume?  Do you want another set of eyes to give you feedback on your resume?   A resume critique may interest you.

Do you have a resume question?  Post it below.

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