picnicAt the end of the week we, in the United States, will celebrate July 4th — our Declaration of Independence in 1776.

What will you celebrate on July 4th?

Will it be freedom, independence, awareness or . . .

How will you celebrate?  A concert, parade, picnic or . . .

Have you given thought on how to really enjoy this day?

Will you be reviewing the past, reflecting on history and past experiences?  Or, will you be looking to the future, perhaps to a July vacation or your next amazing position?

I will be present and celebrate the freedom I have as a citizen of the USA and of the world.  I am grateful to be an American and to also celebrate an “Independence Day” of my own journey of freedom.

July marks when I first realized the power and freedom of being present — intentionally being attuned to the current moment. I recognized that the past holds history, experiences, and memories and that the uncertainty of the future will never arrive.

Awareness of NOW guarantees freedom, choice, joy, and much more.  Whatever and however you celebrate at the end of the week, may you have the blessings of celebrating each minute in the present.

Have an amazing 4th of July!

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The marketplace (and world) is full of noise and doubt.  It can be easy to listen to the voices of doubt.  Sometimes the melody of doubt becomes a song to lull you into inaction.  If this happens you may find yourself sitting still in fear.

Change the beat.  That’s right — have the courage to listen to your REAL call to action and move forward with faith.

Everyone desires success and wants life to be easy.  Me, too!   Yes, doubt can set-in anytime.  When it does, if you listen to the long sad song over and over, you will begin to believe it.  That song will be the only song you sing or hear.  Soon everyone around you tunes into your beat and doubts you, too.

You can’t just keep “dancing to the beat” of fussing with your résumé or filling out online applications and expect someone to call you.  Unfortunately, time is not on your side.  Being out of work for a period of time does impact your value in the market and adds to the doubt you have about your next job and the doubt others have in you.

If you are ready to stop making excuses and be back to work soon, it is time to take action!

Where to start?

First – BELIEVE!  Believe that results will come as a result of your actions.  Have faith that you are enough.  By nurturing and believing in your vision you become a magnet for success and prosperity.

Next, feel CONFIDENT in your values, skills and the job you perform.  Be aware of your doubts and negative feelings or you may miss out on available opportunities.

Then you must ACT!

Begin by assessing your network.  Take inventory of the people you know.  Do you need to grow and nurture your current network?  As in any business, inventory is an asset and impacts your bottom line.  Take inventory now.

Create a plan to connect and stay connected.  Who knows you?  Who likes you?  Who trusts you?  What is the best way to connect?  How will you stay connected?

Execute your plan.  Who will you call this week?  Pick up the phone.  Connect with people.  If you don’t have opportunities for a job in your pipeline you need to change the beat and expand your network.

Add volunteering one day per week to your plan.  Do work for any organization that you want and do any kind of work you can.  The work does not need to be in your field or improve your skills.  If it enhances your skills, great, if it does not that is okay, too — you will be dancing to a new beat one day per week.

At the end of the day, the fastest way to stop listening to the beat of your doubts is to decide what results you want and take action to achieve it and dance to a new beat!

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cindy unlockUnlocking and unleashing your uniqueness isn’t hard.  Yet, it certainly can feel that way.  Why is that?  I believe that our talents come so naturally to us that we fail to recognize them as unique, and, as such, we don’t focus on that uniqueness.

The systems in our schools and workplaces are not designed to encourage us to look for and leverage those things that make us unique.  Instead, the focus falls on our weaknesses or other areas of improvement.  When encouraged to only seek out and improve your weaknesses, you shift your focus and it is easy to overlook your strengths.

Life is very busy and our brains assist us by filtering all that information.  Research shows we create the filters in our brain through what we focus on.

You know the adage, “Seek and you will find,” right?  If you focus solely on your weaknesses, that is what you will see — all other information is filtered out.  It is hard to see what you are not looking for and you may very well overlook the “special sauce” that makes you unique and successful.

Here are three steps to help you unleash your uniqueness and accelerate your success:

1.  Identify your strengths, gifts and talents.  Begin by compiling a list.  Think about what you do well, what you like to do and what you are good at doing.  Next ask friends, co-workers, even your manager (or look back on old performance reviews) to define your strengths. Then take assessments like StrengthsFinder 2.0, MyNextMove, and 360Reach Personal Branding Survey.

2. Review your strengths list and for each item, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does this make me compelling to the decision-makers in my life?
  • Does this set me apart from others who do the work I do?
  • Does this inspire me and why?
  • How does this help me achieve my goals?

3.  Next, put a star by your top three strengths.  Create focus around those strengths.  Observe how these help you achieve your daily duties and bigger professional goals.  Select actions every day that highlight your strengths.  Keep a list of how your strengths help you achieve your goals, inspire you and enhance your performance.

In 30 days you will have unleashed your uniqueness!  I look forward to your sharing YOU with the world — post a comment below and share your unique strengths.

In January, I am hosting a 3-part workshop:  Identify, Leverage & Own Your Uniqueness.  The workshop is designed to help you quickly identify your strengths and see how others view those strengths, so that you can stand out in the eyes of hiring managers.

If this opportunity speaks to you, drop me an email.  I will send you the details and information on how to sign up for the workshop.

Have an amazing week!

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Giving Tuesday 2Are you searching for a new holiday tradition?  Here is one worth serious consideration:

Join the movement #GivingTuesday . . . start a tradition . . . make a connection and share.

The holiday season has arrived.  Thanksgiving is already in our rear-view mirror and the retail frenzy has begun!  Searching for your next position during this busy season can certainly elevate your stress levels.  Even as you enjoyed a moment of quiet thankfulness last Thursday, you could feel your stress level increasing.  You began thinking about what came next — shopping, decking the halls, holiday networking events.  Or, you began to sense the New Year is almost here and you still don’t have the offer you want!

However, you can lower your stress level based on the decisions you make.

Choose to drop your stress level by helping others.  Yes, that’s right; lower your stress by sharing.

Today is the second #GivingTuesday.  What is it all about?  It is simple.

#GivingTuesday is about giving.  It’s about people making a choice to share what they have to help others.

You can learn more about this movement and follow updates @GivingTues on Twitter.  Also, here is a great post where you can read more about the movement.

You can make #GivingTuesday whatever you wish.  I am adding this tradition to my calendar and I invite you to join me.

Here are my Tuesday plans:

  • 24 simple acts of kindness, shared within my community, to help others.  Simple choices that are easy to execute.
  • Sharing a smile with everyone I see. Sharing a smile takes focus and all it will cost me is a few extra muscle movements during the day.
  • At the end of the day, I will be sharing a brief presentation with Habitat for Humanity.  Why Habitat for Humanity?  Simple.  I believe having safe, affordable housing helps make a difference in the lives of others.

Will you join me on #GivingTuesday?  

No preparation is needed.  Just set the intention, focus and share.  You can simply share a smile, a tweet or a bit of your time.

I’d love to hear what you think about #GivingTuesday and, if you elect to join the movement, what you shared.



Memorial Day is just around the corner and for those of us in the US in marks both a holiday and the beginning of summer.  Your summer may be filled with travel, different activities or schedules or much of the same.

For me summer is a time of the year with great memories, a time to create new memories and a time to find at least a little down time. I will unplug over the upcoming weekend and hope you have a chance to do the same.

I must confess that for years I did not unplug often, in fact it was not until I read Napoleon Hill’s book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ for the second time, that I did try scheduling time to think.  The results were amazing.  So over time I came to have a new understanding of the value of down time, thinking time, and fun time.  I work to add all of these activities into my schedule and I hope you do too.

For years I have worked in a 24-7-365 world, as that world has also become more connected, just I am such your world is more connected than ever by devices, and demands on time.  I have found that being unplugged also delivers some amazing results.  Do you unplug from your job search?  I hope so.

Recently I watched the TEDx – Sydney presentation by Genevieve Bell on ‘The Value of Boredom.  The clip was recorded last year in May.  In her presentation Genevieve Bell speaks about bringing boredom back, the benefits of boredom and the value of boredom. Check it out and let me know what you think.

I found clip interesting, exciting and valuable.  Genevieve Bell is an Intel Fellow and Director of the Interaction and Experience Research Group within the Intel Labs.  Her points and engaging presentation sold me all over again on the power of unplugging.  If you are thinking maybe you should not unplug during the Memorial Day weekend at least watch the video clip before you decide.  Deal?

My wish for you during the upcoming weekend is ‘may your brain light up’, may you have down time, some boredom, and some time to just unplug. May you also enjoy some BBQ, whatever you elect to eat, do or take pleasure in this weekend!

In honor and with great respect this weekend I will not only unplug and have some down time, I will pay my respects to the men and women who have died in wars or in service of the United States of America, for me this is also time of personal remembrance, reflection and will be a time to show respect for those who have served and serve our Nation now in many ways both small and great.  I am grateful and thankful for all the members of the Armed Forces and their families, for Veterans and their families, and all those who serve or have served in a role of support to both of these important groups of people.  May you have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!

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Today I am sharing a in my post a great piece from Valerie Sokolosky.  Valerie shared this last week in her newsletter, Valerie’s Voice and I asked her if I could share it with a group I belong to and she graciously agreed.  It was so well received I wanted to share it with you too. 

It is a great message for November or anytime about the choice of staying positive.  Enjoy!  Thanks Valerie Sokolosky for allowing me to share this message.

Staying Positive is a Choice

By Valerie Sokolosky

Negative messages are everywhere. According to research, 77% of the messages we get every day are negative. No wonder! Just turn on the TV, read the newspaper, get on the web—and you’ll see it. There are even sites now that are for the sole purpose of putting in negative remarks. Yuk.

 So how can we stay “up” when things seem so “down?”

 First, recognize what we can’t afford to do…sticking our head in the sand and not looking at the news is not an option. As professionals, we simply must stay attune to the world’s happenings. So here’s one thing I’ve started doing…and it works!

 Every morning before I get out of bed, I think of five things I’m grateful for—usually one is simply getting up in the morning.

 Seriously, that sets the tone for my thinking more positive through the day. Then when something negative comes along, I can much more readily say “Oh well,” or at least I can keep from letting it get me into a negative mind set. 

 This seems appropriate for this time of year with Thanksgiving right around the corner. Try it…you’ll like it…along with the turkey!

For years I have found inspiration in the amazing and wonderful photos of Dewitt Jones.  His work is joyful and always an inspiration to me.

Dewitt Jones has a great saying ~ “Celebrate what’s right with the World!”   He does this with his gifts and his work. You can find his photos at www.dewittjones.com – Enjoy!

As you enjoy today, celebrate summer, celebrate August or just celebrate life, I hope you do something fun, wonderful, and that you are celebrating what is ”right’ in your world!

Enjoy the week!

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