If you are not turned in and aware of  SOPA maybe it is time to learn about it …

It can impact you, small companies, large companies, it might impact what you pay for any service or product you access online and it might well impact your job search.

Learn more:


I hope you will learn, be informed, and share your views whatever they my be with those in Congress.  Congress will decide on this matter.

My view is mine alone, I don’t think SOPA will stop piracy.   I do think it will increase costs for small business and non-profits, slow job grow in those areas, limit some options and have a huge impact on the structure of the internet which currently allows the free exchange of information.  Including access to key people and hiring managers. 

If you enjoy and use the internet to exchange and share information today with a minimul cost, like your connection and access tools, get informed.  Share your view with Congress.

