zebraCommit.  Plan.  Execute.  Those are three powerful words shared with me by  Hank Sullivan.  Even more powerful is the question he asked me, “What are you willing to do different?”

It was close to a decade ago that Hank asked me that question for the first time.  I had heard the question before, yet on that day, instead of offering a quick reply, I paused.  Why?  Maybe it was because I knew he was genuinely interested in my response.  Or, maybe I had grown wiser.  Perhaps it was the tone of his voice.  I don’t really know what it was.  What I did know was that I did not know the answer.

What was I willing to do different?

Maybe nothing!  Maybe I was not willing to do ANYTHING different.

Life was okay.  While not what I hoped for, business wasn’t bad.  I had a ready excuse when something was not completed or didn’t go as expected.  My most common excuse?  Lack of time.

The first answer that popped into my head was, “What if I’m not willing to do anything different?”  I respected Hank far too much to give that answer.  In all honestly, I don’t recall what I actually replied — or if I replied at all.

What I do know is that question remains a powerful one, even today.  This one question made me realize that if I was not willing to step outside my comfort zone very little would change.

So, in great times, good times and not-so-good times, I continue to ask myself, “What are you willing to do different?”

When my results are “fine” and I’m okay with that (a rarity!), I don’t feel the burden to change.  It always come down to what I am willing to do.  If I am not willing to do anything new, the results will not change.  When I create and execute a plan, the results are predictable.  If the results do not measure up, I can easily see what to adjust to bring me closer to my desired results.

Are you fine with your currently results?  Yes?  Fabulous!  Continue to commit, plan and execute.  Your year will be predictable and your results will remain steady.

Or, do you want to improve your results?  Then the answer is simple.  Dare to do something different.

2014 is almost 1/12 complete.  What are you willing to do different?

If you want to take different action, yet are unsure what to do or if you need assistance landing the job you want, contact me.


4 comments until now

  1. What a great question to ask, and then ask again as I move forward in my business. What do I want… and then, what am I willing to do differently? Sometimes, if the answer is no – I know that I don’t really want what I thought I wanted! Or, it gives me the kick in the tush to know I HAVE to step out of comfort to make the next move. THanks!

  2. What was I willing to do different?….that is such a powerful question. And it most certainly needs an answer.

  3. Cindy Key @ 2014-02-05 15:45

    Susannah, You are welcome. You are very wise to understand if/when the answer is no, the quest may not be what you really want. And the if YES – glad it is a nudge to help you step out of comfort and move.

  4. Cindy Key @ 2014-02-05 15:46

    Lilia, I agree with you on the need for an answer and the power of the question. Have an amazing day!

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