summerIntentions will transform your career, your search and your life.

Summer is here.  Look around.  There are signs of the season change everywhere.  Mother Nature is calling us to be outside and to enjoy all she offers.

Warm, longer days.  Bold greens, bright yellows and blooming flowers.  Nature changes her look and her intention for each season and she invites action.

What do you notice?  Nothing?  Maybe that is a blind spot for you!!

When you notice things you haven’t seen before or something grabs your attention, pause to reflect.  Be curious or explore.

You might be surprised what you learn.  Or what you view in a different and/or interesting manner.

There is amazing freedom and forward movement in simple changes, a pause or a simple intention.

Make one intentional change.  Do one thing different and expect a different result [your intention].  See what happens.  Notice the transformation!

If you are anything like I was in the past, you are saying, “Okay, but what intention?”

Here is a simple July assignment: Update your email signature block.

You use email daily in your job search, right?  If you have had the same email signature for sometime . . . CHANGE IT!

Create a new look and feel for your email signature block.

Set an intention for this action to have an impact in your daily life.  An intention could be:  “All my emails will be answered.  I am positively looking forward to having all my emails answered.”

Be careful here — this intention is not a goal.  It does not get measured or tracked.  Just set it and release it.   It’s an intention.

Intentions are mindful, present thoughts, set and released.

If you are a results driven person like me – be careful – stop and release the intention.  It does not need an action plan or a method to track the results.

Be present.  Watch and note what happens.

Have you had great experiences setting intentions?  Do you struggle?  Both have occurred for me.

Looking forward to hearing your stories and comments.  Please share them below.

Do you want support setting intentions?  Are you ready for your amazing transformation?   If so, I am happy to help, give me a call.  Talk to you soon.

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6 comments until now

  1. Set an intention and let it go, no measuring or tracking the results. Love this, as it enables us to move forward without also applying a lot of extra effort and adding more to our to do list, which is already quite long! Funny you should mention the email signature, it has been on my radar for a few weeks now so it’s probably time for me to update it 🙂 Thanks for a great post!

  2. Kathy, glad you enjoyed this post and the assignment of updating your email signature was helpful to you in creating focus to move forward. Have an amazing week!

  3. Cindy, you are right spot on about attention. The brain is a pattern seeking/creating instrument. When it ignores anything that meets the pattern. And so, we all have to be conscious to be aware. Thanks for posting.

  4. Thanks Cindy, it’s been a long time since I’ve looked at my email footer! That’s a very doable action item.

  5. I love your guidance in being mindful and holding a gentle intention. It’s right up my alley!

  6. Finding action that is doable and being mindful will create amazing success …

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