emerging springSpring and the end of the first quarter are just around the corner!  In nature, the signs of the season are everywhere.  In New England the hints are subtle — just as they are in some businesses.

My years in New England have taught me something very interesting about intention — here, the advent of spring is declared publicly and loudly.

After the intention is set, it seems as if everyone in New England moves into spring mode.  People act and speak differently and choose different thoughts — all to ensure everyone knows spring is on the way.

There is clear, focused action.  Thoughts and deeds shift.  Spring coats appear.  This happens even if there are still piles of snow everywhere and you can’t yet see the brown ground.

During my first spring I was surprised by this ritual.  When inquiring about this interesting change, neighbors with puzzled looks advised,  “Unless you want winter to stay, you best focus on spring.  It’s just not healthy to keep thinking about winter and where we have been all these months.”  That year we were covered by some 140+ inches of snow and the ground was white for months.  However, the message sank in, and I quickly moved my focus to spring.  Now my intention shifts to ‘think spring’ each year by early March.

How does this relate to you transition?  Intention is important.  As is having a clear picture of what you want.  It is also critical to declare your intention publicly.

Have you set your intention for your new position?

Have you declared it publicly?

Your life and energy have forward movement.   Spring will come each year with or without the public declaration, yet the individuals who participate in the declaration have a clear picture of what they want spring to look like and think and act differently.

You may wind up stuck in ‘winter’ or ‘without your next position’ if you continue to think the same thoughts or fail to clearly articulate what you want from your next position.

Things are changing all around you.  If you want things to change in your job search you can’t continue to think the same thoughts and execute the in the same manner — you must think different thoughts.  Remember, the shift is not always comfortable.

Is it time you set your intention for a new job?

Is it time you started thinking and acting differently?

What will you do different this week?

Post a note below and share what you plan to do.

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tight rope“Wherever there is danger, there lurks opportunity; whenever there is opportunity, there lurks danger. The two are inseparable. They go together.“~ Earl Nightingale

Have you ever experienced one of those phone calls when you hear someone’s voice and immediately sense danger or distress?

I’ve had those calls.  Often they begin with a simple request like, “Hi, I need some help . . . ”  I feel the distress or danger and my thoughts begin to race.  What’s the danger?  Where is this person? And so on.  The distress in their voice and the energy on those calls can be very intense.  Luckily, I usually know within a few seconds that no one is physical danger and no on was injured.

When I reflect back on the calls, the quote above almost always comes to mind and is a reminder that the line between danger and opportunity is very thin.

Preparation and awareness are the key to creating the best outcomes — to turning danger into opportunity.  And, in business and our careers in particular, we often turn those “thin” moments into unique situations — presenting us with better than envisioned outcomes, connections and profitable opportunities.  Applying this preparation and awareness to our knowledge creates focus and the successful outcomes others may view simply as luck.

For a long time I sought the awareness I saw in others — awareness I thought was just easy luck.  Then I discovered I had the awareness I needed, yet too often I ignored it or simply forgot to pay attention to it.  The impact?  Loads of missed opportunities right at my fingertips, ripe for the taking.

My first coach helped me discover why I ignored the great stuff.  It turned out to be a simple issue, though one I could not have seen without help.  Now, my nutrition coach is helping me tackle why I ‘forget’ self care — hydration, rest and better nourishment.  Their coaching makes me better prepared, creating the focus and awareness I once thought was simply luck.

Recently, a client, whose goals were to create focus and successful outcomes, opened with the distress call, “Hi, I need some help . . .”  Through our interaction he tapped into his internal awareness and built into his search what he called a “lifeline call” to help him deal with the thin points.  Using his lifeline, he turned an unexpected question about relocation into an opportunity, then a second interview and through a continued conversation, a great offer.

Are you aware of the opportunities around you?  Are you tapping into them?

 Are you ignoring or overlooking opportunities because you only see danger?

 Are you creating your own “luck” or just hoping for the best?

 Have you built a support network so you can place the “lifeline” call if you need to ?

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“The reality of life is that your perceptions — right or wrong – influence everything else you do. When you get a proper perspective of your perceptions, you may be surprised how many other things fall into place.”~ Roger Birkman

People often ask me about the need for additional certifications to land the job they want.  The bottom line?  Sometimes it is necessary to have a certificate or special training for a job.

Yet, when the question I hear starts with a statement like, “I think I need a certification or training to get a job, what do you think?” my radar goes into overdrive.

In most cases, I am very direct (yes, I’m known for being direct and to-the-point) and say, “It doesn’t matter what I think or what an employer thinks, your perception is your truth. Therefore if you think need it, you must acquire it.”

Of course, that’s not helpful to most people.  As a coach it is my job to help the person exploring a certification understand their motivations.  I ask questions to help them discover a solid perspective on the additional training and then assess the need and value of that certification in the marketplace.

It is critical  to remember the employer’s perception of what you need is one of the keys to getting hired.  Forget that and you may stay in your current position indefinitely or quickly become unemployed.

If you’re contemplating a certificate or additional training, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why do I want a certification?
  • How will this certification increase my capacity to do the job?
  • How does this certification help me use my best-loved skills in my ideal job?
  • What is the cost of the certification over 5 years?
  • What is my return on investment over 5 years?
  • Do I think a certificate is an easy solution?

Then pause and ask yourself, “Am I using a certificate or training as a crutch to avoid addressing a different issue?”

Are you telling yourself you need training just to avoid taking action, making a commitment or shifting a habit/belief that is really slowing your search?

Are you using a obtaining a certificate or additional training as a reason not to face your fears?  Explore carefully or you may just be ‘kicking the can down the road,’ leaving the real issue to be dealt with at a later time.

If you want to discuss the above questions with someone, contact me.  We can dig into the answers and move forward together.

Have a question or comment?  Post it below.

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newspaper headlineCheck out the look and words of a newspaper headline.  It is designed to help sell newspapers and get readers to at least scan the article.  Your LinkedIn headline serves the same purpose.  It helps you be found, favorably communicate what you do and why someone should care.

If your current headline is relevant and doing its job, leave it alone.  On the other hand, if it is advertising you are out of work and begging for a job,  its time to change it.

Those interested in interviewing you will look you up online.  Your photo and headline will determine if they read or scan your profile.  Your headline may be the only thing they read.  Does it make a favorable impressions?  If not, they may just move on.

Your LinkedIn headline communicates your brand and gets your profile read!

Which profile would you read?

L. Brown
Companion Creator| Dog Trainer
 L. Brown
Unemployed and recent Dog Training School Graduate
Previous ABC House of Dogs
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old fashioned camera

Your photo is critical.  People are visual.  A LinkedIn profile without a photo seems as if something is missing.  In fact, something is missing – your photo!  Today everyone needs a good professional head shot.

If your head shot is old, consider updating it.  If you are still a “no photo” hold out with one of these excuses  …

  • no time to schedule a portrait appointment
  • hate having my photo taken
  • have a head shot but don’t like it
  • worried about age discrimination
  • or …  <add your excuse here>

Here are the top four tips to getting a great head shot:

  1. Look at the work of potential photographers.  Do you like it?  If not, keep looking.  They are not the photographer for you.
  2. Like their work?  Interview them.  Ask questions, learn about their style, studio and rates. Tell the photographer about your photo’s use and the look you are seeking for your head shot.  Do you click?  Will you enjoy working with them?
  3. Set an appointment — do it a good time of day for you — then do some planning.  Think about hair, clothes, and the look you want.   Love the clothes you wear for your head shot.   I thought this was interesting advice because in a head shot you don’t see much of the outfit.   One photographer pointed out that if you don’t like what you pick to wear, it will ‘show’.  Another  photographer had a note in the studio that said “If you don’t like the outfit – neither does the camera.”  Great point!
  4. When you arrive for your appointment think “Showtime!”  Be on-time, listen to the photographer, be coachable and have fun.  If you drop the self-consciousness and enjoy the session, odds are you will get a great head shot.

Have a comment?  Post it below.

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elevator speech

Yes, it is!   Boring is out for 2013 and WOW is in!

Everyone needs an Elevator Speech.  It is your commercial and often serves as your only introduction.

Used when you meet and greet, it answers the question,“Tell me about yourself.”   The term “Elevator Speech,” as I understand it, comes from the Venture Capital world.  It was developed as a marketing pitch, customized to the people and situation and designed to secure funding for the next great idea or product.

Has your Elevator Speech lost its WOW (or maybe never really had it)?  If so, it’s time to ditch it!

What is the WOW in your branded Elevator Speech?

WOW stands for your Worth (what you do and the impact of it), the Opportunities you are seeking, and What you can do for the person (or someone they know) experiencing your message.

Your WOW makes you memorable, helps others connect with you and understand why they should care about what you have to say.   If the WOW is missing, odds are you will be forgotten or the conversation will fizzle quickly.  Without a strong WOW your brand awareness is diminished and it takes longer to have influence in any situation.

Remember, you only have seconds to connect, set the stage and share your WOW.  Your first impression is vital — make it count or you will be forgotten!

Ditch your boring Elevator Speech.  Be relevant.  Gain favorable attention.  Ensure that when you meet someone they understand what you do and the impact you have.

Ready to ditch boring and add WOW?

There are thousands of formulas for an elevator speech — pick any formula you like.  Draft your initial speech.

Then slice it, dice it, edit it, and make it yours.    Deb Dib co-author of “Ditch Dare Do!”  recommends being ruthless when editing — every word should count!

Now it is time to hone your elevator speech.  Practice it.  Use it.  Change it as you grow.  You need to be comfortable delivering it, yet if it sounds canned it will impact the impression you make.

This formula will get you started:  “I <what you do> <the problem you solve> and the <results you produce>.

Here is an example a client started with:

“I train rescue dogs to serve as companions for recent widows struggling with a lifestyle change and who want a friend around the house, but no more laundry in their life!”

The above message includes humor that may not fit you.  It fits the person who shared it.

In 25+ words you know a great deal about her brand and what she does.  When she speaks you will decide to continue a conversation or not.  Yet the message is long.

After some editing, she now delivers her WOW in 12 words.   Less is often more!

She revised it as follows:

“I train dogs to serve as companions for widows who hate laundry!”

You get the idea.  Ditch boring and the extra words.

Does your Elevator Speech have WOW?   Is it on brand, clear and to the point? Does it tell your brand story?

Have a comment or thought?  Post it below.

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2012 2013


What will 2013 bring for you?   Will you achieve your goals?

Is a new or better job on your list of resolutions?  If your goals include building, accelerating and sustaining your career or finding a new or better position in 2013, here are three steps to help you:


1.    Assess your current situation.

  • Where are you today?
  • Where do you want to be at the end of 2013?
  • What’s next for you and your career?
  • What is the right fit for you now and 10 years from now?
  • Why is changing your current situation important?
  • Do you have career-marketing materials that promote you in a credible and distinctive way or do they need to be created?

2.    Create an action plan.

  • How will you get in front of the people who need to know about you?
  • What is the quickest path to get from where you are to where you want to be?
  • How do you manage future positions so you don’t end up in this situation again?

3.   Set up an execution strategy.

  • What are going to do every single day to execute your plan?
  • How will you measure and evaluate your results?

Have a wonderful 2013.  If I can help you, let’s connect.

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Having worked with thousands of professionals to improve their personal brand and help them develop a clear, unique brand message I can tell you it takes time, energy and desire.  For many, it is a struggle.  I know it was for me.

Once you know what makes you unique and what to say, most people think it communicating it in a clear manner will be easy.  That’s not always the case.

I realized developing my message was something I could not do alone.  I held on to this belief for far too long.  Why?  Because I was stubborn and I thought I didn’t need help.

And, if I’m really honest, I was afraid of what others would think of me if I could not do this for myself.  Then my coach so wisely asked, “Can you give yourself a good haircut?”  I laughed and got help!

The result was a better message.  I realized the process of clarifying my brand message as a collaborative process was more fun, faster and the message was more authentic.  I needed a pro and a coach to help me get real.

After several conversations with professionals and reflecting on my experience helping others, I recognized there are 10 key steps to the process.

You are special and your message needs to be genuinely you.  It needs to be focused and speak directly to your target audience.  Here is an activity to get you started:

  1. Identify your value and why it is important to your target audience.
  2. Gather feedback from those who know you.
  3. List five to seven adjectives that describe you.
  4. Review your adjectives and narrow the list to the three that reflect how you talk.
  5. Describe your ideal employer in detail.
  6. Jot down phrases that include your value, your adjectives and focus on the employer’s needs.
  7. Write many variations of your message.  Say them aloud.
  8. Ask other people what the messages ‘sound’ like and watch for their reactions.
  9. Ask and answer (honestly) how do you feel about your message?  Is the message you? Are you being truthful or blowing smoke?  Are you communicating your value in a way that is important to your audience?
  10. Continue to test your message.  Adjust as needed.

Get help if you need it.  Not everyone “can give themselves a good haircut.”  I couldn’t.  It took me far too long to get help and the cost of my stubbornness was significant.

What does your brand marketing message say about you?  Does it communicate your value to your target audience?  Are you still searching for your message?

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What makes you different?  What make you unique? 

Answer these questions and you tap into your unique value.

Oftentimes, people applying for a certain job will have similar backgrounds (education, previous experience, training, etc.) — because without these basics you are not qualified for the position.  Merely listing these basics on a resume or in an interview will not help you stand out.

When you are ready to transition to a new position, you must highlight how you are different.

When you are able to clearly communicate your unique value, you gain favorable attention, build trust and attract your target audience.

A clear, consistent marketing message shares what is unique about you and helps strengthen your personal brand.  It allows your audience to really ‘get’ what you do and how you add value. We often take our unique skills for granted, assuming others will automatically understand our gifts as well.  Not so.

Do not take your uniqueness for granted, rather highlight it.  It is important to carefully craft your marketing message to share your unique value.

If you are struggling to identify your differentiating factors, ask your network.  Ask your peers how they would describe you if asked by a potential employer.

Maybe you are a CFO who has a special talent for communicating bad financial news to investors.  If you fail to clearly communicate your unique ability, you may not be called for an interview or selected for the job.  On the flip side, if you share your brand personality in your written and verbal communication, odds are it will set you apart from the competition.

Want to get started?

Make a list of the characteristics that separate you from your peers.  Then, share your uniqueness in all your communications — including introductions and in your resume.  Emphasizing what makes you different is a sure way to stand out in a crowd.

One note of caution:  it is rare the unique qualities or abilities an organization seeks will be included in a job posting.  However, those qualities are how candidates are selected for interviews and positions, so bring ’em to the table.

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Who knows your name?

Being known in the marketplace is critical to job search success.  Your name, what you do and your reputation are intimately intertwined.

What are people saying about you?   If the answer is Zilch, Zip, Nil,  don’t you think you should change that?

If no one knows you or can’t say anything about you, your odds of being hired may go down to zero!

Jeffery Gitomer, author and president of Charlotte-based Buy Gitomer, says that when someone asks about you or says your name the response will be one of five things:

  1. Something great
  2. Something good
  3. Nothing
  4. Something bad
  5. Something really bad

Gitomer believes these responses determine your fate.

I agree — what people say about you impacts your providence.  More often than not it is because people say nothing about you or share too little.

Building your name recognition and a great reputation takes dedication, execution and time.  Are you putting time and effort into being known by those who need to know you?

When someone asks about you, my theory is that most people say nothing for one of two reasons.  One, they don’t know anything about you – Zilch, Zip, Nil – therefore have nothing to say.  Or two, they are unsure what to say and therefore say Zilch, Zip, Nil.

What if you converted either of those groups into people who said something good?  WOW!  You would double the number of brand ambassadors you have in the world.

Why not start today?

Here are three easy steps for getting known:

  1. Define your personal brand.
  2. Consistently communicate a clear message.
  3. Connect with the people who need to know you — on and off-line.


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