Being known in a job search is critical. Your name, what you do and reputation are intertwined. If people don’t know you are, what you do, what value you add or type of service you provide that impacts your position in the marketplace, within the community and impacts your short term and long term success. Who knows your name? Who knows you?

What are people saying about you? Jeffery Gitomer, president of Charlotte-based Buy Gitomer and author says that when someone asks about you or says your name, people are going to say one of five things about you. These things are: something great, something good, nothing, something bad, or something real bad. Gitomer also says that whatever people say about you determines your fate.

Building your name recognition and a great reputation takes dedication, execution and time.

What are you doing to be known?

Social media and social networking are here to stay and tools that can help you build name recognition and your reputation. Using social media to be known is a process, it takes work and to be effective requires systems.

What systems are you using to be known?

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What is it that you need? Life has a way of providing what is needed. At least in my life and the lives of the people I know and the people I help.

Have you discovered like I have, that you NEED to know what you want before it will show up?

One of my favorite books, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill helped me understand that as long as I know exactly what I want and take daily action toward what I want I get it. In the book, Napoleon Hill calls this “Definiteness of Purpose”.

It really did take me a long time to figure out that getting what I wanted was not as hard as I had made it for years. Why was it so HARD? First I was not clear about what I wanted, then I thought I had to know anything like what I needed, when I would need it and how to get each of those things I would need before I could start to move forward to get what I wanted.

For years I made getting what I wanted and needed hard. It is just not that tough. The process of being successful and getting what you want a like a job, a new career, a promotion or whatever starts with knowing exactly what you want, being open to discovering what you need and taking specific action to get what you want.

Have you decided what you want? When you decide what you want and go for it, you are on your way. In Napoleon Hill’s book he tells a story about a young child who knew just what she wanted, the action she took to get it and how in her determination ensured her success.

Another lovely woman I know is starting the job she wanted this week, after a focused very determined search. Joy (not her real name but a name that fits her well) identified the job she wanted and she pursued it.

Just like the child in Hill’s book who wanted fifty cents, (a large sum of money in the early 1900’s) from Mr. Darby’s uncle and was determine not to go home without fifty cents. When the reply to the child’s request for money was no, the child did not quit. Instead the child’s resolve did not waiver and she demonstrated the power of persistence to achieve her goal. Joy was showed the same resolve. She determined that just because she did not get what she wanted with her initial application, testing for the job and efforts to get an interview were not successful – the game was not over. Joy’s resolve was to take additional action and find what she needed.

Yes, it took almost eight months to get what she wanted. Joy was successful because she knew exactly what she wanted, she asked for what she needed and got it, and she worked each day to get what she wanted.

When I talked to Joy last week, she is very happy to be starting her new job this week and moving forward to achieve new goals and enjoy future success. Joy is just one more example of getting what you need when you need it. For Joy and you knowing what you want, being determined to get what you want and asking for what you need ensures the need will show up when you need it and equals success.

Several months ago when Joy needed a resource to help her get what she wanted, the resource showed up. The answer to her need show up not necessarily the way she thought it would, but it was what she needed. Why? Joy took a risk asked for want she needed and stepped into the unknown. She lost or overcame her fear and had faith and courage to ask for what she needed and believe that is would show up. It did!

Would you like to know how to make the process for you?

Decide what you want, then decide that no matter what you’re going to achieve what you want, that is what Hill calls “Definiteness of Purpose”. Next face your concerns and fears head on and watch them begin to dissolve. Now work and move forward toward your goal. All the things that you NEED to reach your goal will show up in your life to help you get what you want!

What do you need? It is no coincidence that you are reading this message right now. This message is the message you need to take you where you want to go.

To your accelerated search and success!

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“You are never a loser until you quit trying.” ~ Mike Ditka

AUTOPILOT, cruise control, and automated systems are great tools. I highly recommend them. My long drives and life would not be the same without these tools. I use great tools to enhance my life and my work. I encourage you to find and use as many tools as you can to automate and streamline your job search, your networking and all the things you do.

There is one caution I would share. Mike Ditka got it right; I don’t believe you fail at anything unless you stop trying. Don’t lock on the cruise control and assume you can stop trying. You are still in charge of the wheel of the car! Using tools to automate tasks does not let you off the hook for the important work that needs to be done.

One of the best ways to save time to work on important things is to put systems in place to take care of time consuming task that need to be done. So do it. Would you be shocked to learn that you can automate most of the passive activities in a job search? Of course not, you have done it. My question to you is by doing so, did you quit trying or quit working on the high value items with the time and effort you saved by setting up “search agents” and posting your résumé to 150+ sites?

Do you spend all or most of your time looking at job postings that are dropped in your inbox? If so, you are more of a “buyer” of the products (jobs) offered, than a seeker of “opportunities”.

Are you trying to find opportunities with your automated systems? Or have you stopped trying, and just hope the “prefect” job will show up in your inbox one of these days?

You can counteract the rollercoaster of the market. You are set up systems and create a pipeline of opportunities in a good or a bad job market.

Here is what you do. Set up systems and a schedule with very specific activities. Create a specific market plan and market yourself consistently. Assess where you are, define the job you want, determine your goals, set up the tasks to be done, your marketing plan, your schedule and do. Automate, delegate and execute the really important things each day.

This ensures you know what you are doing each day, week, month, quarter and year to market yourself and that you are working on the important things. Yes, even after you land the job you want you still need to market yourself.

Have you quit marketing yourself?

Are you waiting for the “right” job to show up on your computer screen or inbox?

Are you taking action and getting results?

Are the results you are getting great or just okay?

Do you need some help to tweak your systems or results?

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“Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into.” – Ghandi

The job search can be the toughest job you will ever have, sometimes despite “Positive Thinking”, great marketing, resolve, determination, focus on your goals and vision, doubts jump into your thoughts. Go ahead, admit it.

Pause and think about how you FEEL about building and connecting with your network and how you ACT and interact with your network. It does dictate how your network grows and how fast your search moves forward.

Sometimes when you reach for the phone or start to type an email, that inner voice or doubt begins to chatter. “Why, would this person be interested in hearing from me, we’ve not talked in 8 years” or “what will this person think of me, I am unemployed and begging for help” or “this person doesn’t like me” or “this person doesn’t know me” or “this person wants the job I want or is my competition” or “my dream is gone, I am so unhappy, why am I doing this”.

We all have inner doubt at one time or another. The way we feel directly impacts the actions we take, especially in marketing ourselves, our value, and what we can do and with whom we are willing to share information. How we feel directs the action we take. Also how the person you contact is feeling directly impacts their actions.

What we choose to do (or not to do) will determine the opportunities we have and find. Our actions directly impact the results we achieve, our income and our success. The choice of what we do will also impact how we FEEL and ACT this afternoon and tomorrow.

In times of doubt, how we feel and act may not be moving us in the direction needed to change the status quo. Marketing yourself requires building your network, and ensuring your network knows who you are and what you do.

Why? So when opportunities present themselves you are thought of as a solution to the problem or a person who may be able to help. You don’t just need a network when you are looking for a job you need a network and a “Book of Business” as it is called in the sales world, to connect you and keep you connected with people and opportunities all of the time.

If you feel and act like you just want to connect NOW because you NEED a miracle to show up TODAY, what do you think the impact of that is?
What would happen if you feel and act with positive expectation?

What would be different if as Ghandi suggests in the quote above, you grow into the faith that connecting or re-connecting with each person will bring good things to you and to them?

You and I already know intellectually that you have significant value to offer. I also know that there are no accidents, and that if you are considering the contact you should act on it because it is the first step to connecting with an opportunity and allowing that opportunity to show up in due time. My bet is that you know that too!

What action will you take? Yes, I know it takes a lot of courage to BELIEVE that results actually do occur based on our actions or lack of action, unless you stop to think intellectually about cause and effect.

It is much easier to listen to the voice of doubt, or the media telling you there is nothing you can do things are just BAD. It is easier to take no action than it is to have the courage to listen to the REAL call to action and actually do what you need to do.

Everyone wants life and success to be easy. Me too! I would love it, if I could just wait by the phone or open the email and someone would agree to hire me and pay me giving me wonderful work to do. However, without marketing, connections, contacts and demonstrating my value in many settings and in many ways, time and time again. I don’t land the job and neither will you.

Grow into faith, grow your network, nurture your vision have the courage to BELIEVE that the results are indeed coming based on your actions, and be a magnet for success and prosperity in your search. FEEL confident about your value, skills, and the job you can do, be willing to ACT. You must take action and be aware of your feelings or you will miss opportunities that are available to you by connecting with your network.

Assess your network. Take inventory of the people you know. Inventory your network now. As in any business, inventory is an asset and will impact your bottom line.

The network of people you know is a component of your social and business capital. Who are your critical connections? Who are the critical connections you need to add to your network?

Create a plan to connect and stay connected. Who knows you? Who likes you? Who trusts you? Who will you contact with this week? How will you stay connected?

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“The world cares very little about what a man or woman knows; it is what a man or woman is able to do that counts.” ~ Booker T. Washington

Do you have a personal brand? What does your personal brand say about you? Does it tell others what you are able to do? Is a personal brand important?

Yes, you have a personal brand, everyone does. You are a walking billboard. Everyone is!

Usually, we think of this as reputation, how someone dresses or acts. These are all piece of who you are. Components of your brand!

If you are a professional and also looking for your next job, being aware of and communicating your brand is critical to your success now and in the future.

We live and work in a hyper-connected world, so don’t under estimate the power of your personal brand. During a job search a strong personal brand helps build a foundation to engage and connect with others. A strong brand quickly allows others to know who you are, what you do, inspires action and positive communication on your behalf. What is your brand communicating?

Do you have a strong personal brand?

What role are you allowing your brand to play in your job search?

What is the “word of mouth” communication of others regarding your brand?

Have you taken a look at your online and offline persona?

Does your persona engage others, communicate value and touch others in a positive or negative way?

Is it time for you to set aside some time to take a look at your personal brand?

What is preventing you from looking at your personal brand?

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October has arrived, the mornings and evenings are cool and I needed a jacket often during the past week. The cool rain over the weekend highlight it is fall in New England. In chatting with a friend, she reminded me that winter is not far away and of course we are 86 days from the end of year.

Most organizations are well into their planning for the coming year. Many have completed budget projections for next year and if needed, have made adjustments based on adjusted 4th quarter projections.

As organizations look forward, human capital investments and human capital planning conversations seem to be more intense. The stress levels may be up for job seekers, but many days I see, hear and help hiring managers and top leaders who have stress levels off the chart.

What drives that stress? Their concern for the future welfare of the businesses they run. As they discuss finding talent in this tough market, planning for their future leadership business needs, retention of newer employees and retention of employees who in some cases have survived layoffs and are doing more work, sometimes with shorter hours, and in most cases with fewer other resources as well.

Solid leaders know they must watch the trends, budgets, communicate, engage employees in appropriate decisions, work with good business partners, vendors, be flexible, and make solid hiring and compensation choices. They must also plan for the elements of managing human capital that helps ensure long term success or the business may shut the doors and they too will be UNEMPLOYED.

This week working with one business owner planning for 2010, and reviewing survey data from Adecco on job dissatisfaction, I heard his concern and these questions:
How to retain current talent?
How to grow bench strength in order to grow the business and sales team?
How to find needed leaders?
How to improve customer service?
How do we do all these things needed to STAY in business?

Like many business owners and hiring managers, he is frustrated with the economy and the labor market. He shared his own frustration and concern for the many applicants that respond to job postings and talk to him about opportunities that are disgruntled, mad, pushy, and have no clue about his business.

Then he shared how frustrated he is when someone asks for an opportunity to do “anything” explaining that they NEED a job. Now, he confided when hears that he usually explains how a management or sales training position works, then feels like a sucker when next he hears, various remarks about doing ANYTHING, except of course, starting in a training position at a training level salary to learn a new business.

Then with sarcasm in his voice he stated “we don’t build rocket ships, but even industry veterans take 45 days to master our systems, and outsiders can take up to a year to master the systems”.
The questions at least one employer is asking:
With so many people out of work, where are those talented people who really do want to work and learn a new business or industry?

Are there people looking for a new job who will learn at least a little about my business before they seek to talk to me about a job with my company?

Are there people looking for a new job that can explain their skills and what they can do to help grow my business?

Are there people looking for a new job who understand that increased compensation and benefits can be reviewed based on performance and that increasing ones pay comes from contributing to the bottom line and growing the business?

As we finished our meeting, and I drove home enjoying the yellow, orange, and red colored leaves mixed in among the once all green trees, I could not help but smile.

It is clear that talented professionals with solid skills and the ability to market those skills are still in high demand and at good salaries.

What has changed in this job market is that those who are unfocused, unprepared and unwilling to do the basics to market themselves, communicate their skills, locate and talk to decision makers and hiring managers will be unemployed longer than ever.

Why? Simple, it is a numbers game. The number of people looking for work and doing a very poor job of searching and connecting with hiring managers are high. Those high numbers are crowding the market place and are everywhere. There are so many applicants per opening, employers are changing and rethinking what they do to attract talent and to manage the vast impact on the hiring process.

The great news about that is that the top talent and professionals running effect job search campaigns SHINE very bright in the crowd. Those bright stars will continue to leverage multiple opportunities while others crowd the market and find more and more of the traditional doors to job openings closed.

“Wherever there is danger, there lurks opportunity; whenever there is opportunity, there lurks danger. The two are inseparable. They go together.”~ Earl Nightingale

Have you ever had one of those phone calls that when you heard the voice on the other end of the line speak and you felt danger or distress? I had one of those calls this week, the call began, “Hi, I need some help…”

At first, my thoughts raced as I listened, after a few seconds I knew there was no physical danger and no one was injured. The distress in the voice on the call was intense.

After the call, I was reflecting on the situation and the Earl Nightingale quote above popped to my thoughts. It is a reminder that the line between danger and opportunity can be very thin.

I know that awareness, experience, knowledge and preparation build confidence and create the best responses in all situations. In business and in our careers, we so often turn those “thin” points in time into unique situations with better than envisioned outcomes and profitable opportunities because of our preparation and awareness.

In life, business, and my career, I know that experience is often the thing I get just after I needed it most. I also know thousands of people who agree with me, that preparation and awareness are the keys that allow each of us to apply our knowledge and similar experience to create focus and successful outcomes that others view as luck!

In case you are wondering the call that began, “Hi, I need some help…” was from someone who had been working to create focus and successful outcomes. The caller was so prepared he built into his search what he called a “lifeline” call. That call helped him deal with an unexpected question about relocation and turn it into a second interview and continue conversation in a few minutes.

What preparation are you building into your job search?

Are you using a portion of your time each week to create focus, tap into your experience and knowledge?

Are you prepared to create the most successful outcomes in your job search and career?

What opportunity lurks if you are prepared?

Are you creating your own luck or are just hoping for the best?

Are you too busy doing things to make time to prepare?

To Your Accelerated Search and Continued Success,

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Look around there are signs of the season change, yes even in South Texas. In New England and NY the leaves are starting to change colors, and the fall flowers look great in the Mid-Atlantic.

Nature changes her look and we notice things we have not seen before or something grabs our attention and we pause to reflect or explore what is different.  Use that reflex…update your email signature block!

Odds are you will use email daily in your job search, if you have had the same email signature for sometime … CHANGE It!    Fall is a great time to take a look at your email signature block.  Be sure those who receive your email messages have the information to contact you and learn more about you at their finger tips.

The best format for your email signature is a professional brief block of information.  Include at least your name, phone number, and email address.  Those are the basics and that simple block of information will help others remember you and contact you quickly.

Be sure you make it easy for others to contact you, as well as using your signature block as an opportunity to enhance your personal branding.   What should you change?

Be creative.  You can change the font style, color or the order of your information.  List your phone number first and encourage a connection by phone, or add your tag line.

How will you update your email signature?

Will you do it today?

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