First if you got the interview you can bet someone saw value in you, your skills and your experience.  Often being told “no” encourages people to try harder or push on doing the same things.  Most people believe coming in second means they just need to try harder to be first.

In job searching that may or may not be the case.  Far too often I see people who don’t really fit in a job or an industry, yet they fail into it, got hired again and again into a similar position so they just keep pushing in that direction.   For some it is time to stop, to assess, plan and execute something new.

Joe (not his real name) had eight jobs in eleven years in the same position and industry.  After his last termination, 120 weeks of unemployment and nine interviews he decided to explore help for interviewing skills.  He assumed his interviewing skills were his problem and the reason he was not getting hired.

When we discussed why and how his past jobs ended his answer was the work ended, then he collected unemployment until he was hired in the same position again.  I ask if I could call his references and check with this last two employers and he agreed. 

 The discovery from his references and his employers was different than his point of view for each of his last positions.  All of his professional references painted a different picture than Joe did of his work and his work style.  His references spoke well of his skills, yet painted a different picture of his work style. 

One reference shared that often when he was called as a reference he asked if he enjoyed working with Joe he said no.  One reference disclosed that after working with Joe at two different businesses he would answer the call with an example about Joe’s work style and how is affected him and let the new possible employer draw whatever conclusion they would from the example.

The reference valued Joe and his skills, yet Joe had a few blind spots about his work style and this caused issues, problems and a diconnect in cultural fit within the industry.  After gathering the information and sharing it with Joe, he said that his references had told him all of the information I shared before and one had offered to help him change to another unit were the work culture was a better fit.  However Joe had declined the transfer or the assistance to adapt his behavior. 

Joe had choices to make.  He could change is occupation, or change his style or change the positions he was seeking to find a work culture where his work style fit the culture and the needs of the business.  Joe decided to seek other positions using his skills and where the work style and culture of the organization was more suited to his work style. 

He was hired after 3 interviews and returned to work within 2 months of his decision to seek work that was a better fit for his style. Recently I got a message from Joe, he has been on the job a year, enjoys it, got his 2nd pay increase, things are well.  Additionally, he noted thanks for helping him see the impact of his blind spots and assisting him to find the first job he ever liked and the only job where he had worked for a over a year.

What are your blind spots?  Do you have the confidence to take a hard look at your search and see what might be holding you back in your career?  

Are you pushing in a direction that will not help you accelerate your search or accelerate the success you want.  You may need to dust yourself off, stop pushing and head in a new or different direction. 

Do you have a question about your search?  Look to the right and sign up for next Q & A session, join the session and ask your question.

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The data shows wages are trending up.  Bridget Quigg shares details in her post “Wages Trend Up to Finish 2011 Ahead”.  Read it and assess the data for yourself. 

The national and state data for unemployment in many areas is also positive.  Yet if you are looking for a job this may or may not be important. Also it may or may not be good news or bad news.

To improve your situation and your results, being focused on you may be more helpful than being focused on trends, data, comments, news, etc.   Are you focused on you and your results?  Are you ready to accelerate your results?

I hope so.  That is what you can most impact. 

Just a month ago, I was celebrating a client’s new job.  When we talked the other day, he shared how he is enjoying the new job, the work, the people then he paused and asked me “Why didn’t I take action and get focused sooner?”

Boy, that is a powerful question and one that I can’t answer.  So a turned the question back to him.  His answer was the he was sad about losing his job, the news, and everyone around him was telling him things were bad. He shared he was unsure what to do.  The day after we talked about what to do, he had 2 simple action steps and my I challenge to him to take action. 

He took the action. Now he is working!  I just offered the two specific action steps.  Two simple steps changed his entire search and resulted in the job he landed.   Look accelerating your search does not have to be slow, lonely or hard, but it can if you want it to be.

If you lack focus or are focused on less productive things. Stop worrying about the unemployment numbers or the wage trends.  Focus on the things you can impact. Here are action steps you can take today.

Action Steps:

 1. Look at your network, your contacts and your current leads.  Group them into three categories:  Ideal, Referral, Influencers

 2. Create an action plan; include who you will contact and when you will connect.

 3. Make the connection. 

The client above, made the call.  That is how he landed the job. My challenge to him was simple “make the call” and he did.   What action will you take today? 

Have a success story to share?  Post it below.

Do you have a question about your search?  Look to the right and sign up for next Q & A session, join the session and ask your question.

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It is the time of year for resolutions. What are yours? 

If you have followed me, you know I speak about controlling what you can control in your job search.  As you set your resolutions don’t forget to focus on the results YOU want.

Here is a Henry Blodget’s post Mark Cuban: There’s Only One Thing in Life You Can Control Your Own Effort from Business Insider with links to excerpts from Mark Cuban’s new book.  Excerpts are interesting and I will let you know what I think of the book once I read it.

Cuban’s questions are solid.  The questions noted could help you too.  The best point is that for Cuban it “would have been easy to judge effort by how many hours …”, now dead on.  Too many engaged in a job search confuse effort with hours, time spent and not results.  Be careful that you don’t spent time without a focus on results, or pat yourself on the back at the end of a long day when you just put in time without forward movement toward your desered results.  The results you may well achieve from just putting in time may well be an extended job search!

What are the results you want?  What are the goals you have set to get the results you want?

My wish for you in 2012 is solid results in all you do.   Happy New Year!

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This can be a tough time of year. It is also is one of the best times of the year to be job searching. Businesses are looking forward to the new year and planning for the year ahead.

If you do have the holiday blues because you need or want a new job, yet you are not sure what to do to chase the blues away, ask yourself a few questions:

–          What am I willing to do to get the job what I want?

–          Can I clearly describe the job I want?

–          When will I start to take action to get the job I want?

–          Am I willing to help someone else get want they want?

The answers may surprise you or seem painfully obvious … but if you want to land the job you want now, you must stop doing what others are doing, what you have been doing and take a hard look at what you want to do and what your ideal employer wants and needs.

If an employer wants or needs something you don’t want to provide, that employer is not your ideal employer.  

If you are not willing to help an employer get want they want – more revenue, reduced costs, a better product, more customers, and/or more sales, then you are not their ideal employee and why would they hire you!

What is causing your holiday job search blues?  

Could it be because you are trying to cram your wants and needs on an employer with different wants and needs?  OR are you trying to cram yourself into a job where the wants and needs are different than what you really want to do to achieve your goals?

Take a look at what you are doing.  Are you willing to change what you are doing?

Stop and focus on your ideal employer.  What do their issues tend to be and what do they need most right now – how would you change your personal marketing message and your job search so that your ideal employer would see you as the solution to their needs right now and say WOW, let’s talk – you are just the person we need to join our team and get the results we want in the coming year.

Here is your assignment to chase away the holiday blues.  Discover what your ideal employer wants and needs.  If you can meet those needs formulate a clear message to communicate to your ideal employer how you can deliver what they want and need and how you will help them achieve their goals.

One of the fastest ways to chase away your blues is to help someone else get what they want.  Helping an employer get what they want and need is one of the fastest ways to get what you want, to help you achieve your goals and to get hired.

Do you need more action assignment to do to speed up your search? 

Look to the right and request my gift to you – “162 Ways to Accelerate Your Job Search and Land the Job You Want”.

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Are you struggling to clarify your message and accelerate your search? 

I often share with my clients that clarity of message rarely comes as quickly as you wish it would. Yet when it does come together, it’s like the sun breaking out at about 10am on a foggy fall morning.

 You know the mornings, those mornings that are thick, gray, the road hard to see, you feel as if you are not sure where you are going and if you are on the right road, then the sun jumps out, the color of fall is all around you.  The sky is bright; the grass green and even if the payment in front of you disappeared, you would know you are on the right road.  Trust me the message will come, if you are doing the work and the message will come.

 Many people can do this work alone without help.  They have lots of time and they enjoy solo work. 

 Others like you may not have the time nor enjoy the solo journey.  If you have discovered that having help and feedback to help you speed the process is something you are seeking, or you have a question that you want to ask to clarify your message join the next Q & A call.   I am happy to listen to your question and see if I can help you.  Have a question now?  Give me a call and let’s talk.


“Do what you love. Lead with vision and passion; use your strengths and offer unique value, the market will notice and reward you.” ~ Cindy Key

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To accelerate your search you need a strategy that helps you stay focused on the “right” things to build and maintain your network.  I encourage you to balance and nurture your network online and offline.

It is so easy to spend time, energy and effort on the items that take up time yet net you little in real results from your network.  It is also easy to forget to pay attention to the little things that pay big dividends.

There are many tools to help you connect with your network – LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.  Technology has made it easy and convenient to connect. 

Yet sometimes technology robs us of the opportunity to really spend quality time with friends, business associates, customers, and possible employers.  Rarely does a technology work as well as a face to face meeting.

One of the “right” things to do in marketing yourself is to meet face to face.  Face to face you have the rare chance to learn more about others and often to explain your business and what you do.

How much face to face time do you have planned for this week?

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Focus is critical for many tasks and activities.  Your job search is one of those activities where shifting your attention, zig-zagging and shifting your attention from one thing to another without full engagement not only does not net the fastest results it can be deadly to your career.

On the highway recently I was reminded just how deadly just a little shift in focus can be, when I shifted my focus to my directions, then a map and away from the traffic around me.  I did avoid a mishap, yet those seconds of lost focus cost me hours and could have been deadly.  Just as engagement is critical to driving, it is also critical to prevent the slow death of your career.

According to productivity experts it can take 4 to 15 minutes to recover and refocus depending on the complexity of the task and other variables such as your mindset, etc.  That consistent recovery and refocus in time within your job search is inefficient and ineffective.  It may also be the reason you miss or overlook the opportunity right in front of you. 

The impact of lack of focus may be frustration, feeling lost or disappointed.  Those emotions may then create other distractions.

There are three steps to providing CPR to your job search, gaining focus and avoiding the slow costly death of your career.  Those steps are: 1) assess where you are and decide where you want to be, 2) plan how to get there and 3) execute the tasks, activities needed to get where you want to be. 

Continued shifting of focus, zig-zagging, doing too much or diffusing attention during your job search may not just be costing you time, and causing stress, it could also be deadly to your career.  Stale skills are viewed as less valuable in the market; time and stress take other tolls on your mindset and your body.  Lack of focus has been the cause of death of more than one career; will it cause the death of yours?   

Where are you today?

Where do you want to be next week and next year?

What are you willing to do to be more focused in your job search?

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The answer is simple.  The hiring manager considered you less of a risk than the other candidates.  An interview is more than answering the questions and presenting your skills, it is about connecting and creating peace-of-mind for the hiring manager.

Having a pre-existing relationship helps to create a connection, that is why networking is one of the best ways to land an interview (and a job).  That pre-existing relationship is also why so many positions are filled internally.  After doing your homework, being well prepared, and qualified here are keys to building rapport and the foundation to move an interview to a second interview and an offer.

Be friendly.  All things being equal, people want to hire people they like, trust and believe they would like to get to know.

Look for common ground.  What “clicks” and takes the conversation to a deeper level.  Building that initial comfort creates a foundation for building trust.

Be engaging.  Ask meaningful questions, this allows you to get to the heart of the hiring manager’s important issues, problems and/or concerns.

Discover the need.  Having a dialog advanced by your questions will help you discover the real needs and wants of the hiring manager and the organization.

The answer is simple – the execution takes knowing yourself and being prepared, creating a plan and taking consistent action.

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Summer is a great time of year. Summer in New England is very different than the HOT summer days of West Texas.  I love summer and the abundance of fresh vegetables, watermelon and the ease of finding good ice cream.

One of New England’s big surprises was the number of great easy to find little ice cream shops.  To find one I discovered I could just look for where people are lined up waiting to purchase ice cream on a summer evening or afternoon.  The second part of this surprise for me was that most of the ice cream shops close on or about Labor Day! 

The impact is that it feels like ice cream is in short supply in the fall and winter.  That of course is nonsense, good ice cream is not in short supply in the fall, winter or spring, it is just not as convenient to get and takes a bit of effort to find it during the other seasons of the year.  The result, if I want ice cream in the other seasons I have to make an effort to locate it.
Sometimes in a job search it is easy to feel ‘lack’ or think jobs are in short supply like ice cream in the off season.  That too is nonsense. 

Once you spend a little time reflecting on where you are and what you want from your career and your next position, you will also discover an abundane of opportunities.  These may not be as convenient as going around the corner and looking for the line or opening an email with a long list of your ideal positions.

Your ideal job is not in short supply, but effort is required to locate it.  You must be willing to market yourself, and you need to know what you are looking for and be willing to seek it out. 

Your talent, skills and abilities are wanted and needed, opportunities are abundant.  Are you willing to do the work for the ideal opportunity?

Most of the people lined up outside the ice cream place, knew where to go because of word of mouth marketing.  Someone told them about the great ice cream, they went and experienced it, they told others and line grew! 

This word of mouth marketing did not happen without work, a plan and day-to-day execution on the part of the ice cream shop owners.

Are you leveraging your word of mouth marketing?   Why not?

Sure there is a shop, a place for people to go to experience and learn more, (your online profile), the unique story of the ice cream shop and the ice cream it sells.  How it is made, what makes it different and the best in the area (your USP, your brand, your story).  The shop has a sign out front, (your job title, your business card), a menu board of the ice cream they offer (your résumé). 

The ice cream shop communicates their message and they help others communicate and share their message.  Maybe in print with a flyer, a storyboard, and as people gather in the line they are talking about the ice cream.  The line and those conversations are part of their social proof that the ice cream is good (your recommendations, references, your network).

All of these marketing elements are critical to drawing people to the shop to experience the ice cream.  They built the message and their reputation over time.  This did just happen. 

The shop assessed what they had to offer, worked to understand the wants and needs of their customer, and then they create and enhance a market for the ice cream as they communicatie and encourage others to share the story.  They focus on the experience and they have customers willing to stand in the long summer lines for ice cream!

The behind the scenes to creating the end result – a great reputation, long lines, perception of short supply, and high value, began with a careful assessment of the value available, how to communicate the value offered to the marketplace, followed by the creation of a plan and the daily execution and evaluation of the plan.   Time and hard work!

Have you taken the time to assess, plan and execute your personal marketing plan to land your next job? 

What is your story? 

You are unique, in short supply (there is only one of you).  You will be available for only a short time, and you have a high value in the marketplace.  What are you doing to tell your story, to pull people and interested employers toward you? 

Wouldn’t you rather have employers seeking you out? 

What would it be like to be like the ice cream shop in the summer with long lines of people waiting for you? 

How would it feel having people standing in line to interview you, experience you, to talk to you and to want to work with you? 

Would that lead to having several offers to review and then select the ideal one for you?

Have a question about creating your personal marketing plan? Sign up and join me on the next Q & A call, ask your question and get an answer.

Need specific ways to speed up your search?  Look to the right and request my gift to you – “162 Ways to Accelerate Your Job Search and Land the Job You Want”.

Have a comment or thought?  Post it below.

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No matter how many executives in transition, job seekers, or passive candidates I talk to in a given week, the percentage of those who follow up is very low.  Do you follow up?

Timing and follow up are really absolutely vital to the results you get in your search.  I have told more than one solid candidate to stay in touch, call me in a quarter and never see or hear from them again.

Some years ago, I worked with a hiring manager who interviewed all the time.  At first I did not understand why, but the company was growing and after working with him for a while I got it!

Talent and company timing are not always on the same wavelength, he looked for talent all the time not just to fill current openings or to build his team, but because to him hiring top people was a priority.  He taught me if you want to leverage opportunities you must always be on the lookout for them and open to them.

On his team, as with most businesses, follow up was critical, he would never hire someone who did not follow up.  At the beginning of the interview he would ensure the candidate had his personal contact information, at the end of the interview, he would stand up, shake hands, look at candidate in the eye and say call me with your questions about the job, won’t you?  Good luck to you!

Then he would nod and that would end the interview.

His style of interviewing a quest for talent interested me so I did a bit of tracking; few candidates called with questions or followed up in any way.  The ones that did usually joined the organization within a year.

What opportunities are you missing because you did not follow up with the hiring manager for whom you want to work?

Who should you follow up with this week?

If following up is not your strong suit, or makes you feel, somewhat uncomfortable, try this and let me know how it goes …

End the interview with, “I am interesting in joining your team, <state why>.  Could I propose scheduling a 5-minute “check-in” call with you (be sure it is with the hiring manager) on ___ (the day of the week) at ___ (the specific time of the interview one to two weeks later) to check in and see where you are in the process of building your team?”  Confirm the phone number and follow up.

Have a question about improving your interview follow up? Sign up and join me on the next Q & A call, ask your question and get an answer.

Have a tip, comment or thought?  Post it below.
