Oh No! I got fired!!!

cindy 3You did it.  You made a mistake.  Now what?

Trust me, it is not the end of the world — even if you did something illegal, immoral or unethical (though, if this is the case, it will be a bumpier road ahead).  There is life after being fired.

This does not need to be the end of the road.  You are not the first person in the world to get fired.

First, sort out your emotions.  Take a breath.  Tell your family.  If there is something you need to address or apologize for, get it done.

This does not need drag you through the mud or scar you for life.

Second, if there is a behavior or attitude you need to address, decide if you want to address it or not.  Only you can do that.

Know that if you are an ogre who eats people for breakfast or you are the world’s cruelest boss, you have two clear choices:  1)  Find a job where it is OK to eat people and be cruel; or 2) Take an honest look at your behavior and the feedback you received.  Then decide — do I want to learn to alter my behavior or do I deem this behavior as acceptable.  And, by acceptable I mean it will not interfere with your life and future career plans.

Or if you’re thinking, “I am not an ogre, this was a minor infraction.  I was late for work again.  In fact, I am so mad I could spit nails because this is so unfair.  I can’t believe someone would fire me for this tiny thing.”

Again, you have two choices:  find a job where this “tiny thing” is acceptable or learn from what happened, alter your behavior and move forward.

I get it.  MOVING FORWARD MAY NOT BE EASY, but you can do it.

This may be a very emotional time.  Being without a job is tough.

Even if you lost your job through no fault of your own due to a layoff, there will be stress and emotional highs and lows.  I will say it again, and I do it with love and concern, this does not need to be the end of the world as you have known it.

There are many resources and services to help you.  If you want help, you can find it.

The resources and services from Career Centers, counselors and coaches abound.

My hope and prayer for you is simple:  

May you move forward quickly.  May you never stop believing in you.  And, may you never feel that you must walk this path alone.

Today, may you pause and not despair, may you see value in your unique gifts.

May you share your amazing talent and skills with your family, a new employer and the world.

May your career shine bright and may you light the world with your gifts, your work and your life.

You CAN find help no matter the reason you are seeking a new job– even if you were fired.  Your first step?  Decide you are ready to move forward.  Then take specific, consistent action and land a new job.

Do you have a question?  Post it below or contact me.

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4 comments until now

  1. This is really valuable information Cindy!!

  2. Kelly, you are welcome. Glad you found the information helpful.

  3. Cindy, thanks for this article. It’s very supportive and I think that’s exactly what a person needs when they have been let go.

  4. Dorothy, I appreciate and value your feedback on this post. When someone is let go, or terminated no matter the reason it is tough. Support and help is available and I want to help people find the help they need to quickly return to work. Thanks for reading – have an amazing day!

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