TransformationSummer is in full swing.   If you are ready to move to the next level, now is the time.  Life is ready for you — it always has been.

Enjoy the weeks of summer.  Be ready to jump into fall, spend a few minutes this week setting the stage for your personal transformation.

Transformation only happens when you are truly ready to shift and take action.  

Here are three steps that will help you be ready for your personal transformation in the months ahead:

  1. Listen to yourself.  Listen carefully to what you want and what you feel, then write it down.
  2. Jot down your concerns about what is next for you.
  3. Be truthful with yourself about each of your concerns.  Did you note all your concerns?  Did you note the real concern(s)?  Don’t stop with the surface issues and concerns.

Review your notes.  Reflect on the data.  For example, if you want a new job and you are concerned about the salary, make sure this is your real concern or your only concern.

Then ask yourself, “What can I do to address the salary of the job I really want?”  Often the limits people initially see are easily overcome.

These steps can help you accelerate your transformation to the life and career you want.

If you want to create personal transformation faster you can partner with a coach, a trusted advisor or mentor.

Try the three steps and share you comments below.

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phoneThe phone rang and the question was, “Why do they hate me?”

The person asking is a member of team I’ve worked with for some time.  This team leader set an intention to impact the team’s service at all levels before his retirement.  As a person, and a leader, he is legendary for his service focus.

The caller is always professional, liked by all new customers and those who casually interact with him.  He provides adequate service and has solid enough performance to maintain a place on the team.  However, he is seen by the team as a person unaware of several of his BIG blind spots.

We ALL have blind spots and this team knows that well.  In fact, all team members except the caller have identified many personal blind spots.  By doing so, they impacted results, fulfillment and increased their personal satisfaction, adding fun and joy to their work.

As the leader’s retirement approached, the team was deeply involved in hiring his replacement — interviews had even occurred earlier that day.

I confirmed the “they” he referred to was the team.  Then, knowing the team as I do, my reply was a question, “How do you know they hate you?”

I was immediately met with resistance and defiance (“No one is going to fire me or make me quit!”).  Then the caller hung up.

His resistance hung in the air around my desk for a bit.

The caller was stuck.  The story was spoken, believed and holding the caller in place.

What questions are you asking?  What stories are you telling?

Is your story creating resistance to satisfaction and fulfillment?

Have you created resistance that is holding you in place?  Share your thoughts below.

Ready to align awesome?

Contact me to discuss how the power of questions and coaching can transform your life, your results and your impact in the world.

Doing the work you love, living your purpose and having impact is fun and amazing!

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conversationSell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.” ~Rumi

A year of infinite possibilities has ended.  This year begins.

What are you seeking for yourself, your career, and your team?

You may be seeking more connection, more fun, or more impact.  Or you may be seeking a simple end to your transition period.

If you felt the ups-and-downs of the past year and bounced from overwhelm to focus, the quote from Rumi may make your skin crawl.  The last thing you want for this year, in your career quest, is confusion.

Do you want growth to the next level in your career and industry?

If so, pause and look at the clever actions and tactics you have been working at furiously.  Now, decide if you want an impact that varies from the past.  If so, are you willing to do something different?

A transition or transformation will not happen in a day — but it can begin today!

The wisdom and knowledge gained from your experience coupled with your distinguishing talents are ready to carry you forward. There is a generous spirit in this time.  To leverage these things seek out a conversation that sparks curiosity.

Yes, stepping forward alone works.  Forward progress will happen.  But, conversations with others can be game changers.  Learning and growing with support offers an entirely different experience.  If you are tired of trying to sort out everything on your own, making just small incremental steps, seek out a new exchange.

If this year calls you to examine your work, purpose, and impact in a new and different way, consider joining me for a Career Chat and share some time with others exploring how they will change their game this year.

For the next few weeks I am setting up Career Chats. They are short 30-minute conversations hosted on Wednesdays and Saturdays intended to inspire you, prompt questions, and/or create anticipation.  Sign up up to get the schedule and find more information.

If you are ready to pause from your action perch and explore what is next for your career, I’ll look forward to chatting with you.  If you are wondering what we will talk about, sign up and bring your questions, wisdom and knowledge and prepare to listen and share with others.

If you would rather have one-on-one support, go here.

Do the work you love, live your purpose, and have impact.  You are amazing!

Life is fun and satisfying when you align awesome.

Contact me to discuss how the power of questions and coaching can transform your life, your results, and your impact in the world.

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doubtHave you been asking yourself, “Is it time for a move to the next level?”  Maybe you’ve been wondering what you want to do next or asking yourself, “What do I want to do when I retire?”

If you are restless odds are that you are asking yourself these or similar questions.  And, they are all great questions.

Whether you’re restless or simply seeking a better understanding of your next move, making the shift may be easier than you think.

Here’s a quick tip to help you with the process:  write your question at the top of a blank page of paper, then set aside 10 minutes everyday for the next several days to brainstorm all your possible ideas and write them down.

Don’t evaluate the ideas — just jot them down.  At the end of the week, review all the ideas.  Move the top 3-5 ideas to their own blank page and continue to explore your ideas.

For starters, ask yourself:

  • What would it take to do this?
  • What would be the impact of this?
  • Why do I want to do this?

When you are ready to seriously explore your ideas, discuss them with someone you trust.  Then, formulate a plan and take action to create the transition or transformation you desire.

Have a comment or thought?  Post it below.

Do you have a question about moving to the next level?  Sign up for our next Q & A call to the right.  Join the session in November to ask your question.

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exit sign

 Are you where you want to be?  Has your career, team or organization drifted? Do you feel stress, or worse, despair?If you are asking yourself questions like, “How did I get here?” or “How do I change this situation?” congratulations you are aware the “Drift.”  Thankfully, you may also be poised to align awesome and create the amazing results you desire.

What is the drift?  It is a slow personal or organizational shift.  It can be caused by what I call “cloudy and scary thinking” or by market conditions or by operating on autopilot for too long.

Drift occurs when leaders, teams and organizations shift from vision and purpose to operating from conditioning and habits.  Results become minimal.  Engagement, satisfaction and fulfillment drop and impact disappears.  Real issues, problems, and opportunities begin to get overlooked.

The drift may feel like that place of “just doing stuff” or being busy without accomplishing your desired results.  As the drift intensifies you may start searching for an external cause or looking for someone to blame rather than working to get back in alignment.

High achievers are quick to recognize the drift.  Yet not all leaders and high achievers have the courage to shift the focus from a searching for the cause to moving toward a solution.  Simply knowing the cause does not solve the problem or allow you to take advantage of opportunities.

Here are three signs you may be experiencing the drift:

  • You feel overwhelmed or feel your options are limited.
  • No matter what you do, you feel the action is not optimal.
  • You are feeling unsure, uncomfortable or unsafe and you see only limited options to the current situation.

The secret is to experience the drift — like the wind on your face.

To avoid getting caught in the “cloudy and scary thinking,” pause and elegantly move toward a solution.  Be wary of searching for the cause — this small drift can move you into the full force of a storm current.

Here is my favorite example of the drift:

You’re on the highway driving at 65 mph.  You realize you are in the far left lane, traffic is tight and the exit you want is 1/4 mile ahead.   You look ahead, right, and in the rear view mirror.  After looking you think there are VERY limited options available.  Will you make the exit, crash, or be late?

Do you feel the signs above?

Can you pause and stop the “cloudy and scary thinking?”

Will you be honest with yourself?  Will you trust your internal wisdom?

If you do and hit the pause button on your thinking, you will be able to feel your way through the drift.  You’ll realize safely changing lanes is not possible — you will not execute the exit.

Don’t go searching for the cause, you only have a 1/4 mile at 65 mph!

Feel the gentle wind on your face and ask yourself what is the purpose of your drive?

What is your work right now?  What is the impact you want/need?  What are your options?

Pick one of your options and move forward with clarity and purpose.

If you have allowed your drift to move you toward the storm current, the course correction may take a little longer.  If you want something different from your work, select a new option.

When you are ready to align awesome contact us.  We will help you build a team to help you move to the next level and create the success you want.

Remember when you can no longer see your blind spots or your options seem very limited it may be time to find a guide to help you transform your results.

What is your best example of the drift?  Share it below.

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fall tree
 Summer’s over!  Fall is here!  How will you make an impact today?Do you have career plans for the fall?  Are they on purpose?  Will they have the impact you desire?

The difference between top performers and those who are not is a simple secret.  The secret?  It’s all about how they view the work before them — the work of today.  It is about the level of awareness they have regarding their clarity of purpose and the impact they desire.

Fall is a great time of year to assess where you are and to get clear about the impact you want to make.  Whether business, team or individual, use this time to plan for the coming year and beyond.  Where will you be five years from today?

Ask yourself, “Is my business, team or career drifting?”

Ask yourself, “Do I manage my career as a Floater of Paddler?”   What are Floaters and Paddlers?  You can read more about them here.

Come back next week and we will explore the drift.  If you are ready to expand your impact and move to the next level exploring the drift may serve you.

You may also wish to join me at the end of October for an evening conversation on being present and aware of the drift.  Conversations can have amazing impact.

This conversation is for you if you are interested in increasing your awareness of your current environment and how your conditioning and habits affect your impact.

How do your conversations today impact your life and work tomorrow?  Share a thought or comment below.

Drop back by to learn more about the drift and conversations.  Have an amazing week!


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move forward

Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are“― Brené Brown

The above quote is from a book by Brené Brown.  Her book ‘The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are’ is, in my opinion, a must read — as is her newest book Rising Strong that was published at the end of August.   Brown is a researcher, author, and at least in my view, a person who likes herself.  She is willing to speak, write and share the challenges of her own journey and what she learned from others during her research.

Brown speaks and writes about having the courage to step forward in the world — embracing and telling your story.

If you are someone ready to move forward, embrace it!

Stepping authentically into the world, the marketplace and your next position is not just about using the right tools, connecting and networking, it is also about being who you are, embracing it, and sharing it with those who need to know.

You can like the work you do.  You can step forward and tell the world you like yourself and do so in a positive, productive way. You can also enjoy the journey, have an impact and be fulfilled.

Are you ready to smooth out the peaks and valleys in your life, career and business?  Would you like to ditch the stress, have impact and do work that supports your purpose?

Embrace your story; share who you are and what you do.  Need a little inspiration?   Read any one of Brené Brown’s books.

Need an action plan?  Maybe is time to pause and ask, “What is holding me back?”

If you are ready to move forward isn’t it time your embraced who you are on LinkedIn, in the board meeting, and in those important meetings with senior leaders in your organization.

What will you embrace this week?  I’d enjoy hearing about your work, purpose and impact.  Share your comments below.

Need support to step forward to the next level?  Let’s talk.

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beliefDo you believe you are special?  Talented?  Different?  Unique?  Better than someone else?

I believe every person on earth is talented, different and unique.  I believe what sets people that are happy and fulfilled apart has much to do with how they unlock and use their uncommon talents, gifts and unique human potential.

Additionally, I believe it is not necessary for people to compete with one another to have the life you desire.  No one person is better than another and all people matter.  The knowledge of that is very powerful.

How do you use your potential?  Is your performance directly connected to what you believe about yourself and others?

Belief is a game changer.  Belief (some call it faith) in an experience, interaction, or event can change your impact.

What do you believe about yourself?

Those climbing to the next level realize where they are today is only a point on the journey.  Those who have impact consciously choose and believe in the next step.

For those that believe they “have arrived” or have reached the pinnacle of their potential, growth may have stopped.  They may begin to believe that only the status quo needs to be maintained.  This pause or stop in growth may be a steady roll into a valley.  It might look like a glorious golf shot hit high, long and straight with grand yardage that ends up rolling into a low spot of tall thick grass that is very tough to hit out of.

What do you believe?  Have you arrived?  Are you in a valley working to maintain the status quo?

Are you growing to the next level and not at your intentional target yet?

Eduardo Briceno has a powerful short TEDx talk on this subject, “The Power of Belief — Mindset and Success.”  Check it out.

After you watch Eduardo Briceno’s TEDx talk, share your comments or thoughts on the power of belief below.  If you found this post or the TEDx talk interesting, please share it with others.

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successMid-year evaluations are complete.  Maybe you spent weeks tuned into the gossip about who would get a raise, who’s getting a promotion and who is on the way out the door.

Then you learned your verdict.  No promotion and only the standard cost-of-living increase or maybe no increase.  Or, you had been asking for help and instead got more work.  You hoped completing more work would, at least, get you promoted.  It didn’t.  Now you are frustrated, upset and unsure of what to do.

Do you really want to do something different?  If so, here are some practical suggestions to help you move forward:

 1. Identify the conditions you want to change about your work.

What are the true conditions and issues you want to change?  Clearly identify what you want and what you are willing to take action on.  It is difficult to resolve an unidentified condition or vague matter.  It is a challenge to request support if others don’t know what you want, what you need or understand the help you wish to receive.

2. Identify what you are protecting or avoiding.

Complaints and/or comments seem to be a way to release our internal stress.  But oftentimes, when the stress is gone so is the desire to change the matter.

If you have a strong desire to change the situation look deeper.  If you are just ‘blowing off stream’ or releasing your frustration, find a way to do so that does not cause harm to your reputation and your relationships with other people.  If you are avoiding something you fear, identify the fear and how you want to productively deal with it.

3. Set up your ongoing and future success.

Identify the actions and valuable resources that will help you gain knowledge about what changes and performance level are needed to secure your desired promotion.  Start with your conversations/interactions.  When someone asks, “Did you get the promotion?” share the news and your intention.

Here a suggestion: “No, I did not receive the promotion, yet.  Thank you for asking.  If you’re interested in my progress, would you like periodic updates, in confidence of course?”

Not getting the promotion you wanted can be disappointing and frustrating.  It can also bring up concerns, stress, and doubts.  Growing to the next level is exciting, fun and fulfilling, but it can also present bumps and challenges along the way.  Having the support you need to achieve your goals helps smooth the road.

Have you missed a promotion you wanted?  What is next for you?

What are your thoughts or comments?  Please post them below.

Who are you partnering with to grow to the next level?  Do you have a mentor or coach?  Have a question or want to talk about how you can get the promotion you want?  Give us a call.

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change directionAre you willing and able to change direction?

Business changes at a dramatic pace.  Your career may soon be outdated or obsolete due to shifts in market conditions, changes in consumer preferences, and/or emerging technology.

Organizations list being adaptive, flexible, and willing to change as traits sought in employees and leaders.  Are you mindful and aware of your abilities and willingness in these areas?

Research shows that awareness and openness helps you use new information quickly and sparks the creativity within you.  When teams of people have these traits and solid communication, innovation abounds.

Additionally, career opportunities abound.  Are you open to seeing the opportunities?  Are you adaptive, flexible and willing to make clear choices to sustain a remarkable career and support an organization’s goals?

One of the world’s best coaches, Louis Emond, a wonderful mentor and later a close friend coached, taught, and helped me become aware of how my old method of making choices needed to change.  This awareness allowed not only me to move to a new level of growth, but it also helped my team move to a new level of openness and growth.  This new level of growth, speed of decision making and overall direction caused changes to the team with some employees feeling like the job no longer suited them.

Teams will grow, shift and adjust.  It is important to be willing to say,  “We wish you the best” to a team member who does not desire to adjust to new conditions.  Our team learned to view these shifts as natural changes like the changing of seasons.

Lessons from Louis helped our team learn to shift — they were now prepared to change directions at critical junctions.  Business occurs in community.  Communities evolve.

The ability and willingness of people, groups and teams to shift impacts the pace of change and dictates how successful individuals, organizations, and communities are in navigating ever changing market conditions.

With the poise of a magician, Louis taught that managing your business, your career, and your team is about taking personal responsibility, demonstrating leadership, and planning for success.  When you need to change directions, by all means, change directions.  Execute a change, don’t ponder, worry or resist, EXECUTE.

As I recall, Louis often cited Vince Lombardi’s dictum of, “If it is to be, it’s up to me.”  It is not about a right or wrong choice.  It is about a choice.  Every choice will be different based on individual truth, experience and point-of-view.

When a leader asks the team to change directions and a team member resists, most leaders will ask why and listen.  If the leader’s direction is not influenced by the team and the direction set, then each team member will be asked to make his/her choice to support the direction or elect to join another team.

Every human and every member of the team makes choices.  What will your choice be?

Action Tip:

This tip is from Louis.  Leaders make choices and not all choices will be popular or the best.  Will you choose to lead?  Are you willing to ask your team to support your direction or choose to pick another?   If so, here a few action items for the week:

  • Identify who you are, who you want to be, and whom you will serve.
  • Then make choices that:  support who you are, who you are willing to be and whom you will serve.  Your choices should inspire you to do the things that bring you fulfillment, inspiration, and joy.

You can choose to have a remarkable career, business and life and forge a path alone.  Or you may choose to find a coach or mentor to partner with in order to grow at a faster rate.

The odds are you will have a lot more fun learning along the way with a coach and in community.  Are you building your support team?  The choice is always up to you.

Do you have a question about applying this action tip to be more fulfilled, inspired and satisfied in your business and career?  Let’s talk.  Contact us and ask your question.

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