leap yearWhat will you do with your extra day?

Will you Elevate Your Extraordinary™?  Would you like to do so?

If so, here is a simple action you can take:  look at your vision for the year.

Do this first in your mind’s eye.  Close your eyes and see the year unfold as you want it to be.  Now, read the vision or plan you created for 2016.

Next, jot down three actions you need to take on or before Feb 29th to shift your results so they align with your vision for the year.

Now, open your calendar and set a 30-minute appointment for a progress check-in with yourself in 60 days. In your calendar, note the three actions you committed to achieving.

If you didn’t create a vision for the year, no problem.  Pause and write down the vision you saw when you closed your eyes. Making the shift to align your current activities with the steps necessary to achieve more satisfying and fulfilling work is not hard.

Here are three things that help:

1.  A commitment to shift.  Be willing to shift and believe you can make a change.

2.  Willingness to take action.  Moving to the next level is not bestowed on individuals just because they show up and hang out. It requires action to see your gifts and use them to the best possible end.

3.  Tapping into support.  We live, work and have impact via our connected world.  Support is two-fold.  We all need support and we all need to give support.  Your gifts provide you with an excellent way to offer and give support to others.  Find (and give) support to discuss, brainstorm and get feedback.

If your goal is the next level and you are ready to Elevate Your Extraordinary,™ February 29th — your extra day — is yours to use how you wish.  What will you do?

Hope you have an amazing and insightful day and step into clarity and action for a more meaningful and satisfying year.

Share your thoughts and what you will do with your extra day below.

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conversationSell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.” ~Rumi

A year of infinite possibilities has ended.  This year begins.

What are you seeking for yourself, your career, and your team?

You may be seeking more connection, more fun, or more impact.  Or you may be seeking a simple end to your transition period.

If you felt the ups-and-downs of the past year and bounced from overwhelm to focus, the quote from Rumi may make your skin crawl.  The last thing you want for this year, in your career quest, is confusion.

Do you want growth to the next level in your career and industry?

If so, pause and look at the clever actions and tactics you have been working at furiously.  Now, decide if you want an impact that varies from the past.  If so, are you willing to do something different?

A transition or transformation will not happen in a day — but it can begin today!

The wisdom and knowledge gained from your experience coupled with your distinguishing talents are ready to carry you forward. There is a generous spirit in this time.  To leverage these things seek out a conversation that sparks curiosity.

Yes, stepping forward alone works.  Forward progress will happen.  But, conversations with others can be game changers.  Learning and growing with support offers an entirely different experience.  If you are tired of trying to sort out everything on your own, making just small incremental steps, seek out a new exchange.

If this year calls you to examine your work, purpose, and impact in a new and different way, consider joining me for a Career Chat and share some time with others exploring how they will change their game this year.

For the next few weeks I am setting up Career Chats. They are short 30-minute conversations hosted on Wednesdays and Saturdays intended to inspire you, prompt questions, and/or create anticipation.  Sign up up to get the schedule and find more information.

If you are ready to pause from your action perch and explore what is next for your career, I’ll look forward to chatting with you.  If you are wondering what we will talk about, sign up and bring your questions, wisdom and knowledge and prepare to listen and share with others.

If you would rather have one-on-one support, go here.

Do the work you love, live your purpose, and have impact.  You are amazing!

Life is fun and satisfying when you align awesome.

Contact me to discuss how the power of questions and coaching can transform your life, your results, and your impact in the world.

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to do listThe end of the year brings a long list of “to do’s.”  Is updating your LinkedIn profile on your list?  If not, it probably should be.

If you have identified with my recent comments on “drift,” an update to your LinkedIn profile can counteract professional drift.

If you are experiencing the drift in your career or on your team, this is a great time of year to release the autopilot and counteract drift.  What would happen if your entire team invested two hours between now and the end of the year focused on updating their professional presence on LinkedIn?

What would be the impact? Would it change market conditions or improve sales?  No, it is not likely to have that type of significance.  However, this can provide the rare, yet needed, occasion for your team to pause and focus on the talent and glorious skills that surround them every day.

This works just as well if you are in transition.  Pause and ask yourself, “What value do I offer to the world?  I am missing sharing something important?”

Whether leading a team or in transition, year-end is the perfect time to do just this.

LinkedIn is a great tool, yet so few leverage it.  When was the last time you really thought about your profile or assessed how you use LinkedIn?  When was the last time you updated your profile?

On a daily basis, thousands of people have the opportunity to stop by, visit your LinkedIn profile and take action.  The potential for making business connections and building relationships is big.

Does your profile inspire “Aww’s” and “Wows” or a quick click away?

Does a reader pause and say, “Oh, it’s beautiful. I didn’t know that!”

The truth is no two people will see or read your profile the same way.  Yet, you can influence what people know about you. You can impact how they interpret your skills and talents via your LinkedIn profile.

You can share the value you, or your team, or your organization has in the marketplace — a value that be may visible or hidden without action on your part.

Have you ever wondered:

  • What does the market think of my LinkedIn profile?
  • What significant message do my peers or company leaders get from reading my LinkedIn profile?
  • How are others influenced when they review my LinkedIn profile?
  • What signals or messages are received from my LinkedIn profile?
  • Is my message clear?
  • How do I come across?  Interesting or scary?
  • Does my profile say I am uninterested in my career?
  • Am I seen as someone ready for the next level?

If you are seeking significance and fulfillment, don’t over look some of the simple steps that will help you reach your goals. Set aside two hours or so between now and the end of the year and update your LinkedIn profile.

If you want help with your profile, let’s talk.

If you are interested in FURTHER understanding how to review your LinkedIn Profile and quickly assess if your profile needs an update, my Presentation may serve you.

The Year-End LinkedIn Profile Update is now available!! You can REGISTER for it HERE!!!!

This focused review helps you take an objective look your profile and the areas you may need to update.  It helps you understand what may be missing that is impacting who calls you (or doesn’t!) and what opportunities are ultimately shared with you.

Think about it.  Do you have connections that are dropping away or not responding to you?  Or maybe you are just not sure how to most effectively build connections and relationships with the “right” people on LinkedIn.

If it’s time for you to review your LinkedIn profile and begin changing the experiences others have with you online, let’s talk.

Are you ready to align awesome?  Doing the work you love, living your purpose, and making an impact is fun and amazing!

If you liked this post, share it with your friends.  And, don’t forget to share your thoughts below too, I’d love to hear from you!




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calendarIs November the new January?  Maybe.

I attended a recent event where a theme emerged:  “November is the new January.  Start now, why wait.”

While I smiled and listened my discomfort became palpable.  I started to shift in my seat and even my handwriting changed to reflect this unconfortableness.  Having used this year to shift habits of doing just for the sake of doing, I was feeling my personal resistance to rushing time.  I no longer wish to fill my days with action for the sake of action.

I was reminded of the retail mantra, “Action now, beats action later.”  This mantra and the ensuing habits had their costs, but I also realized the mantra did improve results and had served me well for years.

After further thought, I realized I had set several intentions for 2016 that I could take action on right now.  Not to rush time (the source of my discomfort), but to simply engage in action now.  There is no reason to wait for a date on the calendar.  Now is the best time to begin.

I have no idea if November is the new January, but I now know it is the best time for me to take action on my intentions.

How do you use a calendar?

The insight I gained from the October conversation was that I was allowing a calendar to co-create a start date and put me in a holding pattern for action I wanted to take.  This was a BIG insight for me.

Does the calendar put you in a holding pattern?

Do the cycles of the calendar provide a guide or a crutch?

Do you have a calling or action you could start now?  Why are you waiting?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on action and “November as the new January.”  Share your thoughts below.

Doing the work you love, living your purpose and having impact is fun and amazing!

Ready to align awesome?

Contact me to discuss how the power of questions and coaching can transform your life, your results, and your impact in the world.

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doubtHave you been asking yourself, “Is it time for a move to the next level?”  Maybe you’ve been wondering what you want to do next or asking yourself, “What do I want to do when I retire?”

If you are restless odds are that you are asking yourself these or similar questions.  And, they are all great questions.

Whether you’re restless or simply seeking a better understanding of your next move, making the shift may be easier than you think.

Here’s a quick tip to help you with the process:  write your question at the top of a blank page of paper, then set aside 10 minutes everyday for the next several days to brainstorm all your possible ideas and write them down.

Don’t evaluate the ideas — just jot them down.  At the end of the week, review all the ideas.  Move the top 3-5 ideas to their own blank page and continue to explore your ideas.

For starters, ask yourself:

  • What would it take to do this?
  • What would be the impact of this?
  • Why do I want to do this?

When you are ready to seriously explore your ideas, discuss them with someone you trust.  Then, formulate a plan and take action to create the transition or transformation you desire.

Have a comment or thought?  Post it below.

Do you have a question about moving to the next level?  Sign up for our next Q & A call to the right.  Join the session in November to ask your question.

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change directionAre you willing and able to change direction?

Business changes at a dramatic pace.  Your career may soon be outdated or obsolete due to shifts in market conditions, changes in consumer preferences, and/or emerging technology.

Organizations list being adaptive, flexible, and willing to change as traits sought in employees and leaders.  Are you mindful and aware of your abilities and willingness in these areas?

Research shows that awareness and openness helps you use new information quickly and sparks the creativity within you.  When teams of people have these traits and solid communication, innovation abounds.

Additionally, career opportunities abound.  Are you open to seeing the opportunities?  Are you adaptive, flexible and willing to make clear choices to sustain a remarkable career and support an organization’s goals?

One of the world’s best coaches, Louis Emond, a wonderful mentor and later a close friend coached, taught, and helped me become aware of how my old method of making choices needed to change.  This awareness allowed not only me to move to a new level of growth, but it also helped my team move to a new level of openness and growth.  This new level of growth, speed of decision making and overall direction caused changes to the team with some employees feeling like the job no longer suited them.

Teams will grow, shift and adjust.  It is important to be willing to say,  “We wish you the best” to a team member who does not desire to adjust to new conditions.  Our team learned to view these shifts as natural changes like the changing of seasons.

Lessons from Louis helped our team learn to shift — they were now prepared to change directions at critical junctions.  Business occurs in community.  Communities evolve.

The ability and willingness of people, groups and teams to shift impacts the pace of change and dictates how successful individuals, organizations, and communities are in navigating ever changing market conditions.

With the poise of a magician, Louis taught that managing your business, your career, and your team is about taking personal responsibility, demonstrating leadership, and planning for success.  When you need to change directions, by all means, change directions.  Execute a change, don’t ponder, worry or resist, EXECUTE.

As I recall, Louis often cited Vince Lombardi’s dictum of, “If it is to be, it’s up to me.”  It is not about a right or wrong choice.  It is about a choice.  Every choice will be different based on individual truth, experience and point-of-view.

When a leader asks the team to change directions and a team member resists, most leaders will ask why and listen.  If the leader’s direction is not influenced by the team and the direction set, then each team member will be asked to make his/her choice to support the direction or elect to join another team.

Every human and every member of the team makes choices.  What will your choice be?

Action Tip:

This tip is from Louis.  Leaders make choices and not all choices will be popular or the best.  Will you choose to lead?  Are you willing to ask your team to support your direction or choose to pick another?   If so, here a few action items for the week:

  • Identify who you are, who you want to be, and whom you will serve.
  • Then make choices that:  support who you are, who you are willing to be and whom you will serve.  Your choices should inspire you to do the things that bring you fulfillment, inspiration, and joy.

You can choose to have a remarkable career, business and life and forge a path alone.  Or you may choose to find a coach or mentor to partner with in order to grow at a faster rate.

The odds are you will have a lot more fun learning along the way with a coach and in community.  Are you building your support team?  The choice is always up to you.

Do you have a question about applying this action tip to be more fulfilled, inspired and satisfied in your business and career?  Let’s talk.  Contact us and ask your question.

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“Everything happens through conversations.” – Judith E. Glaser

What impact and fun will you create today with a conversation?

Conversations do count.  How?  They foster and nurture impact.  They boost fun.

Do you ever sit and watch a conversation?  What do you see?  You see smiles or frowns or puzzlement on faces.  You can see the sparks that are created and oftentimes, you can feel the energy of the conversation.

Have you ever been in traffic and seen and felt the energy from a conversation? Some mornings, seeing another driver’s animated face or their hands flying around the steering while engaged in a hands-free phone conversation, is very entertaining.

Conversations do change the world.  They connect people, data and have impact.  People ready for next level growth understand the value of conversations.

Conversations are magical.  They can land you a job, a raise, or a new client.  They help you surpass what was previously possible and expand your reach.

A conversation will shape relationships, bring joy and other feelings, too.  Those on track to the next level know how to leverage conversations and understand how to take a stand with a conversation.

Most leaders have the ability to pick out potential and a person’s current knowledge and skill during an initial conversation with a candidate.  Leaders seeking to grow organizations hire for the future.  Subsequently, they listen and carefully observe conversations with new employees for the first five to nine months.

The interview is not an insignificant data gathering moment.  These conversations can be labeled, rehearsed and staged.

Want to grow?  Leverage all conversations.  They all count.

Want to succeed in interviews?  Have conversations.

Here are tips uncovered by a leader who, after for 10 years of excelling, could not grow the division he led, nor get a promotion.  In fact, his blind spots around conversations had him on the edge of being fired.

  1. Conversations occur aloud between two or more people.  They are not the chatter and banter you have with yourself or your ego.
  1. Conversations begin by listening.  Listen and hear what are others discussing, talking about and what concerns others have.
  1.  Conversations are not only about you and what you think is significant.  An impactful conversation meets people where they are and uncovers what is important to them.  Then you can transition the conversation to mutual opportunities and greater outcomes.

What tips or lessons have you gained from leveraging conversations?  Share your comments or tips below.

Do you want to accelerate your success, have fun, and make an impact by turning interviews into conversations?  Great!

If you want support to get different results with your interviews or leadership conversations let’s talk.  Give me a call.

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cultureHave you given culture much thought?  Seventy-five percent of the executives I work with rank culture more important than pay.

Is the culture of an organization important to you?  Are you struggling to discover a company’s culture?

If you are looking for a promotion, new position or considering a career transformation and fit is important to you, may I suggest you give some thought to culture. Start by think about the culture of your current or last company.

I believe there are two critical things to understand about an organization’s culture:  (1) all organizations have a desired culture and (2) an actual culture.

Often there is a big difference between the desired culture and the actual culture.  This may be because the organization is growing and changing.  Culture does not usually change fast.  Organizations in transition may also have teams or key leaders wearing grey or rose-colored glasses.

Here are proven steps to researching and discovering company culture:

  1. Begin by recording your view of the company culture.  Note why you have this view, then note the evidence that supports your view.
  1. Look for and read about what the organization states about its culture.  Note your sources, then note the behaviors and actions that indicate there is evidence of the stated culture.
  1. Connect with and ask a representative sample of people within the organization about the culture.  Note what your sample tells you.  Realize that cultures have sub-groups or sub-cultures.  Be sure to gather data from a diverse group of people or you may only discover part of the culture.
  1.  Connect with and ask vendors and customers about the culture of the organization.  Realize that cultures have layers and may look and feel different from various angles or points of view.  Again note what you are told.
  1.  List what you discovered about the culture.  Verify your data.  Determine what you have learned about the culture.  Note how you fit (or don’t) into the culture you discovered.

Don’t forget company cultures evolve and change at a pace different than many other elements of business.  Be careful if you are only talking to people who ‘once upon a time’ worked or did business with the organization.  As you review your notes, think about the key factors that influence a company’s culture:  growth rate, age of the company, industry norms, competitiveness, company strategy and supporting tactics.

Also, culture is influenced by the leadership and management style of those you work for and the job itself.   The culture of an IT department may differ from the culture of an accounting department.

In five simple steps you have collected the data to discover and analyze the culture of a company you are interested in joining. When your transformation includes finding a specific culture or if culture in general is important to you, this data is helpful.

Will you invest the time and resources to discover some of the key components of the company’s actual culture?  If you need help removing your culture blinders, assessing where you fit, or seeing the blind spots that tripped you up in the past, let’s talk.

Have an amazing week!

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summerIntentions will transform your career, your search and your life.

Summer is here.  Look around.  There are signs of the season change everywhere.  Mother Nature is calling us to be outside and to enjoy all she offers.

Warm, longer days.  Bold greens, bright yellows and blooming flowers.  Nature changes her look and her intention for each season and she invites action.

What do you notice?  Nothing?  Maybe that is a blind spot for you!!

When you notice things you haven’t seen before or something grabs your attention, pause to reflect.  Be curious or explore.

You might be surprised what you learn.  Or what you view in a different and/or interesting manner.

There is amazing freedom and forward movement in simple changes, a pause or a simple intention.

Make one intentional change.  Do one thing different and expect a different result [your intention].  See what happens.  Notice the transformation!

If you are anything like I was in the past, you are saying, “Okay, but what intention?”

Here is a simple July assignment: Update your email signature block.

You use email daily in your job search, right?  If you have had the same email signature for sometime . . . CHANGE IT!

Create a new look and feel for your email signature block.

Set an intention for this action to have an impact in your daily life.  An intention could be:  “All my emails will be answered.  I am positively looking forward to having all my emails answered.”

Be careful here — this intention is not a goal.  It does not get measured or tracked.  Just set it and release it.   It’s an intention.

Intentions are mindful, present thoughts, set and released.

If you are a results driven person like me – be careful – stop and release the intention.  It does not need an action plan or a method to track the results.

Be present.  Watch and note what happens.

Have you had great experiences setting intentions?  Do you struggle?  Both have occurred for me.

Looking forward to hearing your stories and comments.  Please share them below.

Do you want support setting intentions?  Are you ready for your amazing transformation?   If so, I am happy to help, give me a call.  Talk to you soon.

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See the Opportunities
 Every day, in each moment, there are opportunities before you.  Do you see them? 

An event, an encounter, a lunch with a friend can connect you to an amazing opportunity.  The challenge, at least for me on occasion, is whether or not I recognize these moments as opportunities.

My secret is to pause, if only for a moment.  Then, in that moment, there is a flash or a smile or just a knowing that opportunities abound.

When you are committed to sustaining your career trajectory and transforming these amazing opportunities joy grows and so much more appears at your fingertips.  The executives I work with know this, yet most will tell you it is not always easy to seize the moments.

Sometimes blind spots dart in front of opportunities and in order to see them you must stretch or shift to get a clear view of them. Often the stress of your job, your everyday duties, takes over and the opportunities drift from sight.

Building and sustaining an amazing career, a functional team and a profitable business takes continued drive, action and consistent progress toward your goals.  It also takes a willingness to see the opportunities as you travel through your busy day.

Are ready to accelerate your success?

Here is a simple assignment to help you to see the opportunities:

  1. Pause at least five moments during the day, think and ask yourself,  “Can I see the opportunities before me?”
  2. As you pause be mindful and interested.  What are you feeling?  What do you know?
  3. Who or what is nearby?  Where do you see joy, smiles, opportunities?
  4. What is the thought that darts out to hide what you see?

Can you pause for a moment more to see the opportunities?

Great!  If not yet, don’t worry.  Pausing to see the opportunities comes easier with a little practice.  Try the assignment. Practice it at five points during each day for one week.

Check in and share your results below.  Want to help others see the opportunity?  Tweet “Can you #seetheopportunities?”

Do you want support to see the opportunities available to you?

Are you ready for your amazing career transformation?

If so, I am happy to help, give me a call.  Talk to you soon.

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